Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12 - Day 1

*I am going to list everything I did from the time I entered the gym for this entry.  Subsequent entries will only include the worksets.

Static Stretching - Hip/Couch Stretch; Lying Psoas Stretch; Lat Stretch w/ Band
Dynamic Movements - Shoulder Dislocations x10; Fire Hydrants x10; Low BW Box Squat x15
Glute Activiation - Glute Bridge x10

Goblet Squats - 35x15

135x8; 225x3
315x5; 315x5

Barx20; 135x10; 185x3
205x5; 205x5 (pinky on power rings)

Pullup supersetted w/ Dips
4; 4
8; 8

DB Swing

-Deadlifts felt like speed lifts even though my hamstrings were sore.  Thats alright.  I'd rather start really light on this program.

-I'm worried about my forearms and elbow/shoulder joints from the daily pullups/dips.  So I am going to start really light and greeeease the grooooove.

-I'll likely be using these weights or something similar for all my 2x5 workouts.


  1. Goblet squats?

    Set up looks good. Remember to switch the grip a lot on the pull-ups. (Take it from the guy with the gimpy elbow) and do the rubber band expand-your-hand thing.

  2. Haha yep Goblet squats... Ya I change my grip on every set. I usually just don't notate that in my log because its cumbersome. I'm either doing overhand, wide grip overhand, narrow/wide underhand, or neutral grip.
