Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Phase 3 Day 27

Snow Day Conditioning

5 Rounds

A. 90lb x 100 yds prowler

B.  44lb x 15 KB swings

C. 10 Pushups


It was around 32 degrees outside and snowing - wet and miserable.  I've found wet black top actually increases friction with the steel prowler skis.  Two friends joined me for this session.  It was incredibly taxing for us all.  Connor said he was nauseous by the end.  So was I.  I had a big post written up about how its important to train outside, but it came off as a little melodramatic. We should train outside because its not that big of a deal.  "Fitness" shouldn't just be measured by what we do inside the four walls of  gym.   I just really think there should be more to it than that.

Phase 3 Day 26

1. Bench
250x5; 225x8; 225x8

2.  Bent Row
135x5; 185x5; 185x5

3a. Incline Barbell (75/20 Protocol)
135x10; 135x10; 135x10; 135x10; 135x10; 135x10; 135x10; 135x5

3b.  DB Row (75/20 Protocol)
65x10; 65x10; 65x10; 65x10; 65x10; 65x10; 65x10; 65x5

4. Russian Barbell Twist
90x1; 70x3; 70x3

Bench strength was terrible. Terrible.  I felt slow, tight, and weak. So instead of forcing it, I just did some clean reps and moved on.  I did the same with BB row.  I just didn't feel like lifting.

I tested out a new protocol for assistance work.  In the early 2000s, Bryce Lane popularized a method he called "50/20."  Its really straight forward.  You pick a lift and try to get 50 reps in 20 minutes - ie, density training.  There are many variations on this sort of thing.  Some people do straight a 50/20 for their main lift.  Others will superset two main lifts in 20 minutes (100 total reps).  Other people, like me, think they are special and do 75/20.

I really just wanted to get some good reps in and see how I liked it.  The weight was extremely light, but 225 total reps in 20 minutes had me huffing and puffing. It was weird though.  I didn't have a pump.  I think I incline too explosively to get a pump, even with higher reps.

I spoke with Matt and went over the pros and cons of straight density training for everything.  It sounds like it aligns with my goals right now: it will help with conditioning (fat loss), and really cement some of these lifts.  I don't know.  The idea of slowly building up with linear progression right now is just really unappealing.  I don't really care about max strength, so its like I really don't care about straight methodical progression.  I just want move better and feel harder.

I do the Russian Barbell Twist in the style of "Strongman Pavel" as recommended by Dr. Stuart McGill.  Lol, just lol at this video:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Training and Goals

In May of this year I will have a blog post titled "Realization."  In that post I will have a picture of me at my leanest of all time.   I said it.  Its coming.

I'm a little disappointed it has taken me so long to address what I plan for 2013.  But to be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure what I wanted.  I've kind of been at a crossroads with training, and everything training related.  And I've come to realize that law school is coming to a close and that involves a shitload of work and other serious things: bar applications (insane), finals, graduation, moving across country again, bar studying, taking the bar, etc.  I'm not worried about the bar but at the same time it is something that must be respected.  So generally, I'm breaking 2013 into to big chunks.

January to May Goals
1. Graduate w/ Latin Honors
2. Be the leanest of my life when I graduate
3. Be able to squat pain free and neutral when I graduate

May to December Goals
1. Pass the bar
2. Don't get fat
3. Powerlifting meet?

School is my number one priority over the next 12 weeks.  It has to be. I've put too much time, effort, and money into this shit to slack now.  I want to finish strong.  So, workouts might take a back seat to school work this semester. They already have a number of times.  I'm not bothered by that so long as I keep my diet in check.

The reason I put fat loss as my number two January to May goal is because I want to be lean when I graduate.  I spoke of this extensively last year at this time as I prepared for 8 months in DC.  We all have a certain vision of ourselves. Maybe it reflects what other people actually see, but maybe there is something else that only we see.  This was my problem for a long time:  I had a vision of myself that no one else saw.  I wasn't in denial.  I knew in reality I was a fat fuck, but I also knew I didn't feel comfortable as a fat fuck.  It wasn't me.  So I got un-fat.

Then I got fat(er) again in November and December.  Not horrible, but I let myself slide with shitty eating and alcohol.

So here we are.  I have no idea what I weigh (accidentally left my scale in NH), but from the mirror I'd guesstimate 236-238.  I'm going to be 225 when I graduate.  Or less.  I have a little less than 12 weeks to accomplish this.

Nutritionally speaking, I'm actually not currently eating for "fat loss." I'm eating for health and nutrient timing for performance considerations.  I might make a  nutrition post in the future, but basically I'm making food choices based on some of the recommendations in the Perfect Health Diet and my own independent research.   Coupled with this, I'm nutrient timing/fasting based on years of IF/Low-Carb/Backloading.  I can't say I'm doing any one protocol, but I'm combining elements of everything I know to eat healthy and drop fat.  Its working and I feel phenomenal.

For the record, I've been dropping fat for  a good 6 weeks now.  I just didn't feel like talking about it because it results in long ass posts.

Training wise, the emphasis is still on mobility and movement.  It may not look like that from my posted workouts, but I am insanely in tune to body position for every movement I do.  I get it.  I know my limitations and what I need to improve.  Could my training be even more  movement focused?  Yes, of course.  But I have a training partner now so I've made some concessions.  Whatever I do, however, the bottom line is this: nothing I do is going to inhibit the progress I've made.

I'm not getting sloppy with this shit.  I'm getting better.  I don't post half the random ab shit and movement type things I do in between sets, but I do them all the time. Split squats, planks, rotations, you name it.  I'm constantly fucking around with that shit to assess.

May to December will get its own post sometime down the road. Its way down the road though. Essentially, I want to pass the bar, not fuck-up the body composition that I will have, and maybe do a powerlifting meet down the line.  The meet is kind of whatever.  If I'm doing shit consistently pain free with for I'm comfortable with, then fuck it, I'm loading.

Phase 3 Day 25

275x3; 275x3; 275x3

Overhead Squat
98x1; 98x2; 98x1; 65x3; 65x3

225x8; 225x8; 225x8

Ab Wheel
2...+5 deadbugs
1...+5 deadbugs
+5 more deadbugs

Excellent session.  I was barely posting last week because it was a terrible mobility week.  I cut some of my warmups short (ie, 20 mins instead of the normal 35+).  My hip and knees were killing me after sumo and squats last Thursday.  I was very close to permanently dropping squats.  Its just not worth it to leave myself in pain.  And at this point I'm completely positive I have joint degeneration in my left hip.  In all honesty, its fucking retarded for me to keep squatting.  But, I've kept telling myself I would give go for "one run" of trying to fix my postural issues before throwing in the towel on squats.

This is the way I look at it.

If I have joint degeneration (almost certainly do), it may still be possible to squat once I am actually neutral.  My hip problem was caused by years of poor form and bone rubbing on bone. This isn't a tissue issue.  Rather, if I have a femoral hip impingement, it means that my hip more closely resembles a mushroom rather than a ball.  But maybe if I can actually squat neutral it won't matter that my hip looks like a mushroom.  I'll have enough space in the joint capsule to actually move around.

Thats my neckbeard analysis, anyways.

With that said, I had an excellent session tonight. What did I do different?  A few things.  First, I extensively warmed up.  I mean like 40 minutes of soft tissue work, mobility, stretching, etc.  I've gotten to know my body very well and I basically need a shitload of SMR in the feet, calves, glutes/hip flexors to even think about squatting.  After that I stretch, work on thoracic spine, specific upper body points, and then do dynamic shit.

This is one of the reasons I switched to two lower body days per week.  I don't have the willpower to do that 3x a week.  I just don't want to do it. But a huge warmup is worth if it means I can load the big movements in a neutral position.

Also, over the weekend, for 3 days straight I essentially ripped open the fascia in my calves.  I've developed a 3 prong'd technique with the rumble roller, lacrosse balls, and regular rollers.  A LOT of ankle mobility is restricted by tight calves and all of the little tibialis muscles.

For the first time tonight I felt like the neutral squat position was locked in.  I moved my feet in bit and stopped pointing my toes out so much.  I need to actually think about what the fuck I am doing.  At some point, pointing your toes out requires MORE external rotation of the hips if you want your knees to track normally.  Think about it.

Overhead squatting is doing wonders for my shoulder and thoracic spine mobility.  I did a mirror check today and was pleased to see myself in a non-lumbar extended position at the bottom.  Woot.  After I was doing the the OH squats, I tested a scap wall side.  Everything was in contact with the wall and I was just sliding my arms up and down.  I was doing them right.  It was tight, but 5 months ago I couldn't even dream of getting into that position without extending lumbar off the wall, etc.

All is well.

Phase 3 - Day 22, 23, 24

Day 22


1. Bench

275x5; 225x8; 225x8

2. Bent Row

225x5; 225x5; 160x10

3a. Chins

5; 3.... abdominal strain fail

3b. Pushups

12; 12

4. Facepulls

2 sets


3 Prowler Runs

180 lbs x 150 yds.  Easily the hardest sled session I've ever done.  Fuck.

Day 23

1. Sumo

405x5; 315x5; 315x5

2. Back Squat

205x10; 205x10; 205x10

3a.  Incline

135x12; 135x12; 135x12

3b.  DB Row

60x12; 60x12; 60x12

4.  Poundstone Curls

Bar x 45

5.  1-Arm Farmers Walk

70 x 60 yards; 70 x 60 yards; 70 x 60 yards; 70 x 60 yards.

Day 24

Snowball fight for 2 hours.  See facebook.  Connor and I were supposed to do the sled after, but the snowball fight was actually insanely taxing haha.  Sprinting constantly in boots in the snow is tiring.  It was good old fashioned fun with friends.


I had a lot to say about all of this stuff last week but twice I had a bunch of shit written out just to accidentally close my browser.

Re Monday's Workout:

I've already deviated from my exercise selection I laid out on Monday.  Another friend of ours joined us for the workout.  He does fine, but isn't a big strength trainer.  Anyways, I kind of pre-emptively yelled at both of them before the workout about exercise selection.  I don't want to do 1000 movements. I think Connor was thinking "What the fuck is wrong with him?" but its not about getting my way.  I was cranky because they don't understand the huge amount of work I've been putting into regaining movement and postural alignment.  Its been strenuous and painful.  And so I don't want to just start doing random shit for no rhyme or reason.

At the same time, I understand that with workout partners, you need to make concessions and include shit that both parties like and feel is important.  In the long run, I'm actually much better off because of this.  With Connor, I often do stuff I wouldn't normally do by myself.  And I'm much less likely to cut things short.  I have no doubt that I will be in better condition and more muscular by working out with Connor after this semester.  I'll just push myself harder.  The flip side is that I won't be able to address mobility issues as quickly or thoroughly as I would on my own.  I thought about staying solo, but I just don't want to.  Its fun having a workout partner. Some of my most memorable training sessions and moments have been shared with friends.  In the long run, I value those experiences more than anything else.

So, I'm trying to make the best of this.  The most important issue is to perform the big heavy movements correctly.  Squat, deadlift, row.  If I continually improve on those movements, I should be fine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Phase 3 - Day 21


Overhead Squat


Ab Wheel
3; 1; 1

3 sets

Next week I'm dropping this days squat session to 3x5.  Then on Thursday, I'm squatting again for higher reps after deadlifts.  This is my basic template:

Monday: Squat, Overhead, RDL, Abs, Calves

Tuesday: Bench, Chins, Pushups, DB Row, Facepulls, Abs... Prowler conditioning if time permits

Wednesday: Off (or conditioning)

Thursday:  Sumo, Squat, Incline, Chins, Farmers Walks, Abs

Friday: Kettlebell Conditioning

The reason I'm not strictly following an A/B now is because I have a workout partner.  This is a good compromise between what I was doing and what he is doing.  The most important movement for me is the squat. I'm doing it twice a week.

I never posted up my goals for 2013, but right now my number one priority is leaning out. That is mostly diet, but I've tweaked my training to reflect that with dedicated conditioning days.  My goal is to be ripped when I graduate in May.

My second goal is to be moving well and healthy by graduation.  This entails all of the stuff I've been doing for the past 4 months.  The only reason this is "secondary" is that I now only do the "full" warmup twice a week.  I'm extremely busy and honestly I started getting burnt out with having to spend 35 minutes of "prep" every time I go into the gym.  I can deal with it 2x though.  Upper body days (Tuesday), I'm keeping shit to 10 minutes or less.

I don't think the routine is perfect but it has what I need.  2x a week squatting, 2x a week neutral hinging, and an emphasis on back work.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Phase 3 Day 20


1a. Prowler Push
90 x 150 yards
90 x 150 yards
90 x 150 yards
90 x 150 yards (sprint)

1b. Incline Pushups (off Curb

1c.  KB Swing
20kg x 20
20kg x 20
20kg x 20
20kg x 20 (snatches)

The girlfriend was tired this afternoon and needed a nap.  We always have great weekends, but sometimes the activities are nonstop.  Its a lot of fun working out with her but she really needed a break.  While she slept, I went to the park to get a sled session in.  Usually I do much smaller runs, but today I just wanted to cover some distance.

A brisk wind accompanied an air temperature of 32 degrees.  Just cold enough to make the lungs sting a bit.  Forest Park is huge.  I setup in a parking lot but it was nice to still be surrounded by grass and trees.

I don't know what it was but I had a damn near religious experience today.  Yes it was intense, but I've done tons of intense things.  On the last round, I sprinted my ass off, then finished with whipping snatches.  I don't know, it just felt amazing.  I was at my limit.

And I guess it gave me chills because no one was watching.  I was doing it just to do it.   I'm not one to glorify training sessions.  I find that generally the people that do that are weak as fuck.  See e.g., Crossfit.  This blog is for reflection, so I reflect.

It doesn't matter what my numbers are, what program I'm on, how fat I am, how weak I am, my condition, or anything else.  I do this for my own satisfaction.

Phase 3 - Day 19

1. Windmills
20kg x 5/5; 20kg x 5/5

2a. KB Snatch
20kg x 10; 20kg x 10; 20kg x 10

2b.  Pushups
15; 15; 15

3. KB Clean and Press
20kg x 5/5; 20kg x 5/5; 20kg x 5/5

4.  Waiters Walk
20kg x 60 yards; 20kg x 60 yards

Girlfriend came into town on Thursday. So, I missed my Thursday workout because I had a bunch of school work during the day along with other preparations for her arrival.

We went to the park together on Friday afternoon.  She did a similar workout with the 16kg kettlebell.  Nice little session.  They don't always need to be huge.  I got some solid hinges, pressing, and core work with this session.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Phase 3 - Day 18

1a.  Incline
225x5; 225x5; 225x5

1b. Chins
5; 5; 5

2a. Inverse Row
5; 6; 6

2b.  Push-up
10; 10; 10

3a.  DB Row
60x12; 60x12; 65x6

3b. Split Squat OH DB Press
40x8; 35x8; 40x5

4a. Facepulls
20; 20

4b.  Side Laterals
10x8; 10x8

Abs were sore as fuuuuck from the ab wheel last night.  This is kind of a random session, but I'm finding what I need again.  I purposefully chose a lot of plank stuff to remind myself what I'm doing right now. Chins are a real challenge.  The challenge isn't the scapula position and all of that - the challenge is  not spraying my ribs open at the beginning of the movement.

Incline felt solid with 225.  I'm going to fill out volume for a few weeks at this weight.  I want to stay neutral, but I also want some god damn hypertrophy

Split squat DB overhead were an idea from Dean Somersett's newest T-nation post.  Gabe had also relayed to me that this was the first overhead progression (way back).  But now, I actually know what it is to stay neutral.  I can also drop into a firm 90/90 position like nothing.

I SWEAR I'm going to cogently write out my routine and goals are soon.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Phase 3 - Day 17



Ab Wheel
4; 2; 2

100x14; 100x14

Pleased with squats.  Pain free and form improved over last week.  This week, I moved my hands out a bit and kept the wrists neutral.  This seems creates stability at my back, rather than at the joint of my wrists.  I'm going to experiment with bringing the hands in a bit and pointing the elbows down.  That sort of position is more conducive to the traditional olympic squat.  But, I'll see how it goes.  The point here is not to just do shit that other people say is right.  The point is to squat full and deep with a neutral spine and minimal stress on the joints.

I also elevated my gaze so that I'm just slightly looking down.  This also is more conducive to a more upright, oly style squat.

Gabe gave his seal of approval on the squats, but I need a better angle next week.

Ab wheels were hard as fuuuuck.  I'm extremely aware of the most common problem with these: lumbar extension.  So, I'm keeping the reps low and grinding them out.  I didn't go all the way down on the last couple.  The good thing is, my glutes naturally contracted pretty hard at the bottom.  My body is really starting to "make the switch" back to neutrality with some of these movements.  I still think about it all the time, but I've noticed shit has started to turn on by itself lately.

Things are starting to come together.

Phase 3 Day 16


Prowler runs w/ 170lbs

9 runs x 30 yds down and back

This was on Saturday night.  Forgot to post.  We are mostly doing this in a quick walking fashion.  Big, fast steps, but not a sprint.

Over the years, I've done pretty much all lengths and intensities of prowler pushes.

Pure, all out sprints is probably the most popular form of sled pushing (that I've seen). For some reason, everyone thinks you need to push these things at max fucking effort.  Why?  That is a poor idea in almost every genre of training.  From distance running to powerlifting.  Pure max work is extremely fucking limited in practical application.

I'm not going to go on and on about this tonight, but I'll just say I've found that for conditioning it is much more effective to push the prowler at 80% without sprinting.  Then you can get in more passes with sessions of decent length.

Maxing out on this shit has its place, but if you when you hear the word "prowler" you think "hardcore max intensity," then you might want to check the beard on  your neck.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Phase 3 Day15

1.  Press
135x3;135x5; 135x5

2. Sumo
365x1; 385x1; 385x3; 385x3; 385x3; 385x3; 385x5

3a.  Flat Bench
225x8; 225x8; 225x6

3b. Chins
5; 5; 5

4. Farmers Walks
70lbs x 60 yards; 70lbs x 60 yards; 70lbs x 30 yards

5. Facepulls
25 Reps

Schedule got messed up again this week because I'm busy as fuck. I'm doing more work this weekend to prevent this from happening again.

Press felt like shit.  I really have no desire to be doing this lift right now.  I only did it because Connor was doing it.

Sumo felt solid.  Still slow off the ground, but now that I'm actually squatting, I hope that begins to improve.

Did flat bench because Connor was doing it.  Felt weird but I was somewhat pleased its not totally in the shitter.  My chest is already sore as fuck today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Phase 3 Day 14

Back Squat


DB Row
70x6; 70x6; 70x6

BB Incline

90 lb Prowler Runs

25 yards down and back x 12 runs

I'm  pleased with squats tonight.   I'm kinda neutral.  For like the first time ever. With that said, I still have a ton left to improve.  Tonight was important because after seeing the video, for the first time I felt confident that someday I'll have a decent, healthy backsquat.  That is basically what I'm after.  First and foremost, I want to squat in a way that does not fuck me up.  Once I can do that, I'll determine whether I want to go back down the road of powerlifting and heavy strength training. I DO want to go down that road, but I've decided the health of my joints is far more important than lifting numbers.  I know how to be a strong, active, healthy individual without squatting. I'd like to squat because, well, I like to squat.  But walking around and picking shit up without pain when I'm 50-60 (and beyond) is more important to me than improving my mediocre squat numbers.

I revamped my DB Row. Hard to explain what I was doing, but I'm fixing my lateral pelvis alignment.  I have a tendency to "dump" my hips out on DB rows. I had to lower the weight, but I was getting a nice contraction.

Over the weekend, I was reading a Pavel article about why the 16, 24, and 32kg kettlebell setup works well.  As opposed to having very small jumps, big jumps force you to get good at the movement more quickly.  So I said fuck it, and hopped up 20 pounds on incline.  Felt solid.

Legs weren't heavy, but conditioning wore me the hell out.  The pavement in STL is smoother than in NH, so its easier to push the prowler.  Now that I'm training with Connor again, I'll be doing more and more shit.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Phase 3 Days 11, 12, 13

Day 11
Prowler runs w/ 90 lbs.

30 yards down and 30 yards back x 7 runs.

Did this in the pouring rain with 2 friends.  It was fun.

Day 12
Originally I went in on Thursday night and did some bullshit front squatting.  I was so frustrated I walked out.  Friday night went better:

Back Squat

Sumo Deadlift
375x3 (+10 lb)...

Incline BB
205x5; 205x5 205x5; (+5 lb) 135x21 (+2 reps)

6; 6; 6 (+1 rep/set)

Squats look like shit, but I'm going to run with it and adjust as I go. I'm in no rush.  I just want to stay healthy and have legit form.

I feel better about the sumos, though they still have a long way to go.  My hip position is awkward.  You can see me playing with it on each set.

Inclines are starting to feel solid as fuck.

Day 13

3 Rounds:
16kg x 20 Swing
20 pushups
16kg x 10/10 Snatch
16kg x 5/5 Renegade Row
16kg x 5/5 Windmill

I just wanted a quick little workout to do in my living room before going out to eat.  I'm really out of shape.  I'm ordering a 53lb and 70lb KB soon... probably from Rogue.  They seem to have the best prices on decent KB's.  I used them at my gym in DC.  Work fine.