Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pre-Routine Conditioning Day 4

So my warm-up essentially turned into my actual workout.  I got there and just decided to keep it very light.  Basically did one set of the following:

20 mins of foam rolling, followed by a few stretches
KB Getups (53, 70)
Windmills (53, 70)
Swings (70, 3 sets)
Blast Strap Rows (5, 3 sets)
Klokav Press (bar x 20)
BB Curl (bar x 30)
BB Bench (bar x 40)
DB Rear delt (10 x 20)
Calves on Leg Press (Ultra high reps)

1.5 Mile Run home... pouring out.

Planned on doing Litnivov sprints, which are swings followed by sled sprints, but I just didn't feel like working myself into a high heartrate on a Saturday afternoon.  I'm starting pretty intense volume bodybuilding based routine on Monday.  I want to feel fresh.  Today was just enough to get my entire body loose and warm.  I feel good.

I really need to man up with the foam rolling.  Over the past 6 weeks I've consistently become a baby about it.  I always feel good when I spend considerably time rolling everything, and having the grit to work on shit that is really painful.

Another thing I've been thinking about lately is calves.  Earlier in the summer, I did a set of 315x15 squats.  I distinctly remember my calves shaking mid-set.  The next day they weren't super sore, but had that dead feeling.  Its been in the back of my mind all summer.  Its kind bizarre, when you think about it, that 95% of strength trainers neglect calves.  Its the first large muscle that actually supports you when you fucking squat or deadlift.  Calves allow you to STAND.  Also, there is horizontal movement below the knee during both squats and deadlifts.  Your calves, and tibialis anterior are certainly worked during a heavy leg set.

Any serious strength trainee essentially trains their entire body.  A powerlifter might overemphasize shit like triceps, low back, hamstrings, and everything else, but most guys still work other areas to maintain balance and have their entire body one solid piece.  Yes, the internet faggots backlashed against "curls," and then everyone realized how gay they are for hating on one of the most basic exercises that make your arms look awesome (and keeps your elbow healthy).

Why the fuck doesn't anyone work calves?  Its not an extremely taxing bodypart to exercise.  Throw some shit in at the end of leg day, and then make sure you progress.  Same as any other bodypart.

I'm working my fucking calves from now on.

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