Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hypertrophy Phase: Week 2 - Day 7

90 seconds rest, 4 sets, 13-15 reps


Bent Row

DB Press

BB Curl

Band Pull-Aparts
70 reps: did this awesome series here - http://articles.elitefts.com/training-articles/band-pull-apart-super-series-for-healthy-shoulders-needs-formatted/

Short rest periods destroyed my press strength.  They also destroyed my pull strength. My back is pretty damn fatigued. Overall though a solid session.   I'm taking dat dere creatine mono, and I actually felt a marked difference tonight.  It is hard to tell whether I'm adjusting to the program, or whether its the creatine helping me bust out a couple extra reps.  I don't really measure, I just throw a lot in my protein shake.  I know supposedly creatine loading isn't needed, but fuck it. I have a lot.  I'm going to start throwing in a moderate single before my high rep stuff.  I have many reasons for this I will get into over the course of the next few weeks.

Now I'm going to tell a story about a person that almost killed themselves in the gym tonight. We will call him Bob.  Tonight Bob got entirely too amped up for his squats.  I don't mind yelling, swearing, or some of the regular shit to get pumped up, but when a person literally starts stomping on the platform (repeatedly) before approaching the bar, I think that might cross the line.  After barely squeaking out which was clearly a max attempt, Bob preceded to stomp some more and try for another.  He missed halfway up and sent 300 something pounds off his back sailing onto the platform.  No big deal.  Thats what bumpers are for...right?

Undeterred by the near stapling, and unaware of the fact he almost crushed a girl next to the chalk bucket, Bob preceded to the bench.  Bob was still fired up.  Its time to fucking bench.  Bob started with a huge arch, but as he reached up for the bar, he deflated like a beach balloon.  Something told me to watch. I didn't consciously think about what was about to happen, but after spending a long time in and around barbell lifting, the totality of the circumstances gives you a good sense for shit.

So I watched.  And Bob is lucky I did.  Bob unracked the bar, and almost immediately it fell with speed of gravity on his neck.  In the split second that followed a number of thoughts entered my mind, the first being, "holy shit I'm witnessing a person decapitate themselves."  To be clear, Bob didn't miss the lift on a heavy grinding rep.  The bar just fucking fell on his neck.

I was about 20 feet away, so I sprinted over and upright rowed the bar off his neck into his uprights.  Bob immediately grabbed his neck and gasped for air.  I thought I might have to call 911 because I wasn't sure if crushed his windpipe.  But Bob managed to squeak out "that wasn't supposed to happen. I was going for a triple."  Alrightythen.

After yelling at him for not asking for a spot, I explained to Bob that: 1) his failed squat attempt destroyed any chance of heavy lifting for the rest of the day; and 2) he lost all tightness and was too far from the bar to unrack it himself.  Bob thanked me for saving him.

So Bob lives to squat and bench another day.  What is the moral of this story?

There is no moral to this story. If I had to come up with one, I'd say "don't be a stupid jackass in the gym."


  1. We've seen that here in Keene beofre haven't we?

  2. I've been doing those band pull aparts too.
