Monday, August 5, 2013

531 Day 3


1.  Incline Press
145x5; 165x5; 185x10. . . 205x3; 225x3. . . 145x8; 145x8; 145x8

2a. Chins
5; 5

2b. Pushups
10; 10

3a.  Facepulls
70x15; 70x15

3b. BB Curls
70x8; 70x8

4. Windmills
3; 3

Cot damn that was alot of pressing.  I'm either going to have to reduce this press volume or drop chins.  My shoulders were screaming as soon as I hung from the bar.  I've been down this road before.  Heavy press volume + chins = fucked up shoulders.  Now, my chin form is damn near perfect.  Complete dead hang, straight pull up, bar to chest, elbows back, scaps depressed. So I don't think its a form issue.  It just irritates my rotators and shit.

I don't want to suck at chins, but part of me just wants to do high rep cable rows and stuff instead.  Those always feel great.


  1. my shoulders are kinda fucked right now too, may be dropping chins

  2. yea, fuck em for now. No movement is worth pain. I'll come back to them when I have a more balanced routine.
