Monday, February 10, 2014

New Routine: Linear Progression


Tomorrow I begin a classic barbell strength routine. I call it classic because it utilizes basic barbell movements: squat, bench, deadlift, row, press.  And also because training sessions are limited to three times a week, and each lift is primarily trained in 3x5 or 5x5 rep schemes.  I've always enjoyed this style of training and I'm excited to get back into it.  In fact, my second post on this blog declared:
My current routine is a modified 5x5 that is designed to maximize recovery while still allowing me to lift heavy on a frequent basis.
I have no idea what that means.  Insert :::shrug::: emoticon here.  I want my brain with its  2011 lifting secrets back.

Since starting this blog, around the beginning of law school, I've run the following routines:

5x5/Full Body, Strength Ladders, 40 day program, Bryce Lane's 50/20, Sheiko, Mike T's RTS, Full Body, Feel Good Routine, Big Beyond Belief, Getting Mobile, Mobility Phase 1, Mobility Phase 2, Mobility Phase 3, "Pull and Overhead Press/Jerk Routine," Beyond 531, Unnamed Routine, 10,000 Swing Challenge.  Before this blog there was moar Sheiko, Smolov for like 2 weeks, 531 original, made up powerbuilding routines (that fucking rocked), and lots of standard full body stuff.

Holy crap!  A classic case of program hopping, no doubt.  Oh well, I've learned a lot, set PR's and had a ton of fun. And I don't even think those are all the routines anyways.


I had a reason(s) for each routine, some more well thought out than others.  The past 12-15 months have mostly been dominated with injuries and mobility.  During this time, I've been itching to get back into standard, straight forward barbel lifting. Its been my bread and butter on and off since the beginning, and its a lot of fun.  Its skilled heavy lifting.  And its difficult.

My basic plan is this:  1) linear progression 2) intermediate programming as needed 3) advanced routine.  I have zero desire to start heavy.  Literally, none.  In fact, I'm going to start everything ridiculously light.  I haven't been doing shit, so who cares.

***My only caveat to all of this is my knee.  If I lose confidence in it, I'm pulling the plug, no questions asked.  I'm finally at the point where it is feeling better, the physical therapy is more helpful than I thought, and I'm simply not fucking with it anymore.***


I used to think I was pretty good at planning my own routines.  Then I sent my plan to Gabe, and he sent something back that was a lot better:

Squat 3x5
RDL 3x8

Bench 5x5
Pendlay 3x5
Facepulls 3x10

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

Thats it.  I may change press to 5x5, but the above is my routine.  I'm going to start ridiculously low on everything and just let the lifts take care of themselves.  I have some thoughts for the next phases, but for now I love the simplicity.  Straight forward general strength training.  Its upper/lower during the week to cut down on training time.  I envision the intermediate phase to be a full body split, if work permits.


  1. omg you're using my suggestion <3 <3 <3

  2. Haha yep. I realized I don't need to worry about benching 2x a week or any of that right now. Focus on the squat, and rebuild basic proficiency in everything else. Your suggestion is really balanced, considering my upper/lower weeknight restriction.
