Tuesday, February 11, 2014

LP Day 1

1.  Squat
315x5  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtO8jTWXFjU

2.  RDL

3.  One Arm Farmers (70lb)
40 yds each arm x 2 trips

4.  3 Month Pullover
53x8; 53x8; 53x8

Squats felt good.  I definitely prefer the minimalist shoes at this point.  I'm hitting solid depth and like the way my joints function with my feet flat on the ground.  I still have a tendency to start shooting he hips up in later reps/sets, but I'm aware and working on the issue.  I made the right decision to reset to 315.  I'm most interested in a solid movement pattern at this point.

RDL's didn't even feel like an exercise after all the swings haha.  Gonna have to load more aggressively I guess.

Overall, I liked the setup today.


  1. Depth-good

    It does look like the bar comes forward a little and it might be a little high for low bar. But that's more of an observation vs. critique.

  2. Ya, it does look like some forward drift. I still want to keep it over mid foot, so I'll keep that in mind.

    I think my forward head posture/upper back make the bar look higher than it is.
