Saturday, December 28, 2013


1.  Box Squat
225x3; 275x1; 275x1; 315x1; 315x1; 315x1

2.  Deadlift
315x3; 365x3; 405x3; 455x2

3.  OHP
185x1; 200x1; 135x13

Probably the most effort I've put forth in a training session in 2-3 months, at least in terms overall bar intensity. Analysis:

Box squat - Meh.  I feel like most of the technical elements are correct.  It just looks a little awkward because I'm combining styles into a box squat.  I'm trying to emphasize hip action and setting my knees. For what its worth, these almost felt good on my knees.

Deadlift - I really like my back angle my setup.  I think I'm over the bar a little.  My number one criticism is locking the knees out ahead of the hips.  I'm not sure why I'm doing that.  In any event, my hinge is strong as fuuuck right now because thats all I do.  Next week I'll focus on blasting though with my glutes faster.

OHP - Not much to say other than it was a true max. Got a little crooked.  Back angle was decent (for me), considering how I used to look.  I *think* that is an acceptable amount of arch for a max, but I'm not sure.

Overall - Lots to work on, I'm glad I have a new/fast way to take vids.  I'm fat and out of shape, but things are starting to come together.

1 comment:

  1. Squat:
    watch set at 55 secs
    your knees are set, come back, and then shoved forward
    that's shear force on your knees

    ideally, i think you need to set your knees sooner and keep them locked in place.. regardless of using a box squat or regular squat

    again, watch
    he doesnt set his knees as early as he could, but once set, they never come forward again

    also, set at 1:15, on the way up, your knees slightly cave. again, thats stress on your knees. its not major, but if it can be avoided, it will help.

    but overall, looks easy. light weights for you.

    it looks like you are either letting the bar get away from you, or having to move the bar around your knees etc. I don't know if you need to try to keep it in closer, or if it has to do with your lockout that you mention

    again, these looked easy lol

    only comment I would say is try to push your head through quicker to fight the grind.. but it looked strong. almost a bw press?
