Friday, December 20, 2013


1.  Box Squat
135x3; 135x3; 135x3; 135x3; 135x; 225x5; 225x5; 275x8; 275x5

2.  3 Month Pullover
55x6; 55x6; 55x6

Thursday night.  Took me a long time to get the squat going.  I'm sitting way back on these.  I tried high bar feet normal, low bar feet normal, high bar feet semi-wide, low bar feet semi-wide.  For whatever reason, high bar semi wide with toes pointed out felt the best.  That is the position I used for 275x8.  I know low bar is the standard on this lift, but from now on with regard to the squat: 1) I'm doing what feels good/safe; 2) verifying with video that my alignment, etc is in order.  There are tons of ways to do it "right."  The right way for me right now is the way that doesn't fuck me up.

With that said, I want to squat with a low bar.  Its just going to take a while to get to that point.  Gabe has the best looking squat of anyone I know hands down, and he recommends the basic Rippetoe approach.  So its something I definitely want to legitimately try, I just need to get a bunch of other shit in order first.  In the meantime, I'm pleased to find a movement that feels "ok" on my knee.  It still gets hot and inflamed no matter what, but it doesn't feel at risk of popping out, etc on the box squat.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Do what you can. Ideal isn't ideal if it causes pain and there's a difference between pain and discomfort..aka one is 'stop!' vs 'sack up!'
