Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week Update: Strength Training and Runs

Wednesday 6/13
2.25 Mile Run
-Fast Pace
-8:20 min/mi

Friday 6/15
Full Body Strength
Squat: 315x3; 365x2
Deadlift: 315x5; 365x5; 415x5
Chins: BWx6; 35x3; 53x3; 75x3
-Lifted with my little sister Kristy.  Was helping her more than anything and just doing random shit.
-She started lifting in January and is up to a legit 185lb squat and 200+ deadlift.

Saturday 6/16
Long Run
-6 miles
-no idea on pace.
-ran with my sister and we stopped to see monuments and all that.  It was a lot of fun.

Monday 6/18
Full Body Strength (Start of new template)
Squat: 315x2; 315x3; 315x4; 315x2; 315x3; 315x2 (16 reps)
OHP: 135x2; 135x3; 135x4; 135x2; 135x3; 135x4; 135x2; 135x3; 135x4 (27 reps)
Chins: BWx3; BWx4; 52x3; 52x3; 52x4
Facepulls/YTI's: lots of reps

5 Minute KB Challenge
-double 53lb KB clean
-51 reps... stopped around 4:30
-Goal by the end of the summer is 100 reps in 5 minutes. Also want to do the snatch 100 reps in 5 minutes.
-This gives me a firm approach to metabolic conditioning, and gives me something to get better at.


  1. I'll post it up today or tonight. For strength, I'm only doing squat, press and chins twice a week. I'll post the specifics soon. I wanted to be sure to get better at shit this summer.
