Monday, January 20, 2014


1.  Squat

2a.  Swings (53)
10; 15; 25; 50 x 5 clusters (500 total)

2b.  Chins/Pullups
2;3;4 x 5 (45 total)

2c.  Pushups
4; 5; 7 x 5 (80 total)

Notes on Squatz
I can't believe that is me squatting haha.  They aren't perfect, but I'm pretty pleased.

First set.  I've got a super narrow stance there.  As a result, I get deep as fuck. The knees got more forward than I felt comfortable with though

Third set.  Moved the feet out about 1.5 inches and flared the toes a little more.  Less knee travel, although the knees still aren't setting as early as I'd like.  I felt a little more power with this setup, probably due to the fact that its a slightly shorter rom.  In any event, this was probably the best looking set of squats I've ever performed.  I'm going to keep working at it.

Stance. So, I've done a ton of experimenting with stance, and I've basically settled on feet width in the 3rd set.  They are ridiculously narrow as compared to some people, but every half inch wider I go, it puts more stress on my hip joints.  *shrug*  At this point, I really don't think its a mobility or movement thing. Or at least its not something I'm willing to hunker down and address/try to fix.  When I am at my loosest/most warmed up state, this is what feels natural.  I am probably limiting total poundages, but I really don't care about that anymore.  I got immense satisfaction from squatting tonight, so thats good enough for me.


  1. I agree that the first set looks like knees are goin too far forward, aka stance too close and not enough toe flare. The last set looks money, dude. I dunno, maybe repeat that weight a couple times, not that it was hard, but repeat it until you love it. Then start LPing it.

  2. Thanks. I've been going up 10 pounds per session and its been working well so far. I'll probably go tomorrow night and do form work with 275, then proceed to 295 (+10 from 285) on Saturday. I tape almost every set right now, so if it doesn't look good, I'll just hang back until it does.

  3. Well, I just meant because you technically only have 1 solid set w/ 285 if you were playing with stance and stuff. Not that the weight was hard.
