Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1.  Squat
265x1; 265x2; 265x1; 265x1; 265x2; 265x1

2a.  Swing
500 reps

2b.  Chins
35 reps (2; 2; 3 x 5 clusters)

2c.  Pushups
70 (3; 4; 7 x 5 clusters)

Couldn't get warmed up on squats.  Actually spent more than usual (for a weeknight) on my warmup, soft tissue, etc.  My left hip starting impinging and my left hamstring started cramping.  lol.  Left hip impinging is what started this entire fucking debacle.  Tried everything I knew to get shit going and it just didn't work.  Finally said fuck it.  Took some vids but no point in posting them, I was sitting in the hole on every rep trying to find something that didn't hurt.

Swings took 60 minutes exactly.


  1. What changes between 225 and 265?
    What are you doing to warm up? And how are you ramping?
    Was this with a slightly wider stance?

  2. No changes that I know of. Saturday was AWESOME. Seriously, I wish I had vids because it felt great, and I was crippled for 2 days. Hams/glutes/and QUADS were equally sore. I haven't had sore quads in like a year.

    Warmup =

    Foam roll thoracic spine, moderate foam roll quads.
    Lacrosse ball glutes, moderate lacross ball hip flexors

    Pushup to downward dog 3x
    Piriformous stretch
    Thoracic bridge
    laying down thoracic windmill (ala, Cressey)
    Mountain climber with thoracic reach
    Glute bridge to one legged adductor stretch
    Shoulder dislocates

    Yes, I tried a slightly wider stance. I was impinging even with the bar. So I continued with soft tissue on glutes, stretched, etc. Never got better. Then I tried a variety of stances, like narrower, and still nothing really. I don't blame it on the stance, I think its more product of sitting in a chair for 12 hours a day. Even with a decent warmup, my alignment is getting fucked.

    I will say, after doing 500 KB swings I felt pretty loose and felt like I could have squatted, but at that point it was 9:30pm

  3. Forgot I do some other shit on the foam roller for my scapula (foam roller is laid long ways), and also I used 2 lacross balls in a sock for my upper thoracic/scapular region.

    I move through it quickly, but I've been doing it long enough that I hold shit until there is movement and/or relaxation. I dunno.

  4. Did I ever tell you that I do the butterfly stretch (ala gym class) every session before?

    I also practice a squat movement w/out the bar.. whether it's OH Squat with PVC, Squatting with my elbows in my knees shoving them out, Goblet Squat, etc?

    Maybe a squat+swing for 10 reps each might help warm up.
