Monday, April 16, 2012

Life, Lifting and the Coming Weeks

I'm officially one week out from my first final.  I'm prioritizing school 100% at this point.  I've had an awesome semester.  Been working hard with school (mind), been lifting my balls off, conditioning, dropping fat (body), and been going to church and didn't have a drop of alcohol for 40 days straight during lent (spirit).

The next few weeks will be busy to say the least.  Very long ass days and nights at school studying, driving cross country to NH to stay with the family for a week, and then moving to DC for the summer and fall.  The following are my priorities for the coming weeks:
1) Top performance in finals
2) Continue dropping fat
3) Maintain strength.

I'm following the most basic strength template I could think of:
Monday: Squat, Bench, Chins
Thursday: Deadlift, Press, Chins

This is all I need to stay strong for a while.  I'm just sticking around 3x5 for everything.  Conditioning will be random shit when I need to get outside and clear my mind.  I know I will find time because I'm 100% committed to fat loss, and I just feel better when I do something.  On days I don't lift/condition, I find myself instinctively going out for walks.  Usually just 30-45 minutes, but I go briskly enough to elevate my heartrate a bit and get warm.

Not much to update with regards to actual diet.  I'm on autopilot.  Coffee w/ coconut oil in the morning, eat light and low carb somewhere between 12-3pm, maybe have a shake/almonds for snack, then a big dinner.  Backloads are twice a week as usual.  Once a week I'll count calories/carbs to make sure I'm in the ballpark. Calories are usually 2400-3000, carbs 35 or below on low days, then 200-300g carbs on backloads.  I rarely count calories on backload days, but I have no doubt I'm well above "maintenance" on those days.  It just doesn't seem to matter.  After all of this I believe calories are relevant, but they are not dispositive. Through nutrient timing, its pretty clear I'm manipulating the hormonal state of my body to speed the fat loss process up.

I hit 234 a couple of days ago in a semi depleted state.  235 this morning.  Thats 25 total pounds lost since 1/01/12, or 105 days.  That comes out to approximately 1.66lbs per week.  I've pretty much maintained that rate of loss throughout the whole process.  Diet will be the biggest challenge in the next few weeks, but I know I will keep it up.  I've put too much effort into things to stop now.  From here on out I'll update w/ pics every month.  The next update will be around May 19th, when I start in DC... which has been the driving force behind all of this diet/lifestyle adjustments.

Click on the 241 and 234 to really see the difference.  My love handles are essential gone at this point.  I'm starting to get anxious about seeing abs.  I feel like its starting to get close.  That 259 picture is really starting to embarrass me.

1/01/12 - 259

3/21/12 - 241

4/16/12 - 234