Monday, February 13, 2012

RTS Week 6 - Day 1

Week 6 of Mesocycle.  Week 3 of Intensity Phase.

365x2 @ 8 ( belt)
405x1 @ 8.5
430x1 @ 9
455x3 @ 10 (3 Rep all time PR)

Romanian Deadlift

Hanging toe touches

-This is my first heavy squat PR in almost 3 years since my last best competition squat of 512.5 in April 2009. (Squats right).  I'm pretty happy about this PR, so I have a lot to say. To put in perspective, I wasn't wearing tight wraps, I didn't peak, and I'm 20 pounds lighter  I actually contemplated taking the week off.  This is my sixth week of overly taxing lifting because I butchered parts of the RPE/RTS system my first go at it.  I decided to get one complete six mesocycle to give myself as much information as possible going into the next mesocycle.

-This was a true max effort set.  I only planned to work up to a decently heavy single, but Connor asked me my best squat when I approached the bar.  This planted to seed  to go for a new PR.  The first rep was hard as fuck.  The second I don't remember.  The third was the slowest grinding rep possible.  I almost missed it.

-Several factors put me in a position to finally hit a squat PR again.  First, RTS is a solid program.  I still have a ton to learn, but the little I've been able to successfully apply has been crucial.  Second,  I'm leaning out at about a pound per week while still eating enough calories/carbs to support heavy lifting with backloading/carb nite. Third, stretching and soft tissue is becoming more consistent.  I still need to work on this.  Fourth, the weekly kettlebell sessions aids in recovery, joint mobility, range of motion, and conditioning.  I'd like to bump this to twice a week.  Finally, I've added much more "intelligent" core training to almost every session.

-I need to remind myself to stay patient, and continue to improve on everything that seems to be working well.