Wednesday, February 1, 2012

KB Recovery and Core Work

30; 30

Clean & Press

5; 3; 3; 2

Waiter Walks
100 yds right arm
100 yds left arm

-Holy hell the KB windmills were hard as hell to do with correct form.   I loooove the stretch they give though.  I've never felt anything that stretches my hams/groins in that way.  Hits dem obliques hard too.

-Having fun becoming a core work junkie.


  1. I need take my Monday back and get my upper back prehab/core/prowler in.. been slacking. I feel better when I do. I've never attempted windmills before though.. figured I wouldn't be able to do them right, lol

  2. KB's just generally make me feel really healthy. I looove the stretch, and the "joint lubrication," especially in my shoulders.

    Yea Connor and I did them out by the track during lunch... We definitely fucked them up at first. Then I took out my phone and we watched technique videos (smart phones, ftw). Its a pretty cool stretch I've never experienced.
