Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lifting, Running and Sprinting

I'll be running hills every day now in some fashion.  I won't always sprint (keep that to 2-3x a week), but its time to get serious.   If I start to burn out, I'll just keep doing them.  Eventually, my body will adapt.  Its running up a damn hill, running down, and then running back up.  Pretty simple.

Tuesday, July 5th

Bench - 295x4(+10 pounds, failed 5th rep); 225x8

Squat - 275x5; 275x5; 275x5

Close Grip Incline - 185x8; 185x8; 185x8 (+30 pounds), supersetted w/ Bent Barbell Row 225x8; 225x8; 225x8 (+6 total reps)

-Worst day in the gym I can remember.  Pressed for time so couldn't start with squats.  Failed on the 5th rep on bench.  Probably overambitous to go for 5, but mid set I thought 5 at 295 might be a PR or at least close to it.  I hate missing lifts.  Immediately dropped the weight after missing the lift.  I'm not going to make two mistakes and keep forcing heavy reps after blowing out my CNS.

-Pinched/Strained a nerve or muscle in my neck during squats.  Forced to keep weight low.  Rest of the workout I was in pain, thus it sucked.

Tuesday, July 5th
 Hill Sprints
7 x Long Hill
6 at 90% intensity, 1 at 100% intensity

-Got nauseous as hell during sprints today.  There were two other dudes running the hill at the same time as me.  Like competitive men, we were all pushing it hard without saying a word to each other.  Made for a killer session.
-Hill sprints are like the prowler.  You might get better at them, but they still suck as much as the very first time.

Monday, July 4th
Jog and Hill Runs
2.5 miles total.  5 total hills (on diagonal)

-This was a crazy hard cardio session.
-I ran the mega hill twice on the diagonal, and then did a .7 mile jog (loop around a pond), and then directly back up the hill again. 
-One whole lap is about .8-.9 miles.
-Usually I just stand at the bottom of the hill after a sprint, but here I was forced to recover while maintaining a jog.

Saturday, July 2nd
Hill Sprints
6 x Long Hill
-Over 100 degrees out and crazy humidity... was supposed to do 7 sprints, but it honestly started feeling a little dangerous with how hot I was getting.

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