Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, June 30th - Lift


Conventional Deadlift - 455x5 (vid); 315x5; 315x5
Box Squat - 315x6; 315x5

-Only had about 35 minutes today, so I'll finish my upper body stuff tomorrow.
-Deadlifts felt like they were grinding much more than the vid shows.  Overall very pleased with the bar speed though.  I think I just need to get used to what it feels like to go heavier in deadlifts again.
-Hips may be a tad high, but whatever.  I'm doing mobility foam rolling and static stretching like 2-3x a day.  I will continue to do this so hopefully my flexibility keeps improving.
-I feel like an animal pulling conventional... bye bye sumo.

-Dropped the deadlift weight because didn't feel like anymore 455 sets would accomplish anything.  Also wore straps for the 315 sets.  Har har!


  1. sawwy jeffy for commenting about your pulls on my blogggg

    lol, i was being lazy on my phone

    anyways, def look strong, easy even

    I would like to transition to conventional but I dont think I have the mobility for it yet (Ive tried)

  2. Its ok Gabriel...haha.

    Thats the thing, I know it doesn't look like it... but I was expecting the video to show a retarded grind on the last 1-2 reps, because that is how I felt. Think I just need to man up.

    Yea I hear you on mobility, which is why I switched a long time ago. I probably should have tried earlier though.

    - Thanks little dede

  3. tbh, all my heavy sets of feel like im grinding, but vids look much smoother than they feel

    thats why I can't use RPE or anything, I will misjudge it
