Sunday, March 9, 2014

LP Day 12

1. Squat

2.  Press

3.  Deadlift
395x6  (whoops miscount)

So I had to push my workout back today because I was in the office 9am-9pm yesterday.  Then today I was running around and finally got to the an hour and 15 before they closed.  Did an abbreviated warmup and I was all worried everything would suck but my mobility has definitely changed.  Its easy to get deep now.

I hate the way my deadlift looks.  Rounded, all low back and the ROM goes forever.  Knees lockout way before my hips. I feel crowded and cramped over the bar.  Probably bcuz I'm fat as fuck right now.  Anyways, I was reviewing some of my old videos and the pulls look a lot better.  Just much more natural.  I think it has to do with my over-emphasized hinge. I also got super anxious about knee extension during any pulls when my knee was all fucked.  In the examples below, yes I'm extending my knees, but it looks more natural. Next week I'll just grip and rip.

2011 455x5

2012 Speed pull 315

These are far from perfect and I'd change a lot now, but at least they are fluid.