Thursday, August 8, 2013

531 Day 5


1.  BTN Press
115x5; 135x5; 150x7 (PR). . . 155x1; 165x1. . . 115x6; 115x6; 115x6

2a.  Cable Row
120x10; 120x10; 120x10

2b.  Pushups
15; 15; 15

3a.  Curls
75x9; 75x9

3b.  Side Plank
2x max hold per side

Forgot that "531" means sets of 5 the first week, and sets of 3 the second week.  Haha, oops. Got a solid rep PR.  I'll pay attention to the reps next time.

Much preferred the  cable rows over the chins after this session.  Close grip rows feel awesome on my shoulders and scapula.  Therapeutic almost.  I'm going to keep them in replace of the chins.  I don't like dropping chins, but I will go back to them eventually.