Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sheiko Realization: Overhead Press

Standing Overhead
135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 185x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1

Push Press

Rep Work
135x3; 135x3; 135x3; 135x2; 135x2; 135x2; 135x2

HS High Iso Row
270x8; 360x5; 360x5; 270x8

OH DB Extension
60x15; 60x15; 60x15

40x16; 40x16; 40x16

-All time PR in OH and push press.  I haven't done OH with much consistency over the years, but I feel tonight was a solid effort.  I'm going to start incorporating push presses into my routine in 2012.

-I only did the push press for my last heavy set so I could have two wheels over my head.  Felt good mang.


  1. nice pressin'.. I remember when I got a bw Push Press back in the day

  2. BW push press is a solid strength standard. Hopefully I'll be there in a couple months. Long term I'd like to hit a 3 plate push press, and 300# strict press. I have my eye on 275 for 2012.
