Standing Overheads (in ladder fashion)
135x1; 135x2; 135x3; 135x4; 135x2; 135x3; 134x4; 135x2; 135x3; 134x4; 135x2; 135x3; 134x4; 135x2
Close Grip Bench
185x8; 185x8; 185x8
DB Farmer Walk
90/90 x 70 yds; 90/90 x 70 yds; 90/90 x 70 yds
-Solid overhead session with Matt tonight. Overheads were performed at a quick pace. I did a set, then Matt immediately got under the bar, and so on.
-I have a lot swimming through my head for my next training phase. Ladders will definitely be incorporated at some point. I just think its a really solid way to strength train. Lots of volume, solid crisp reps, and you have to setup and get in position many times in the course of a single workout.
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