405x1; 455x1; 495x1; 545x0; 545x0; 315x10
Pull-Down Machine supersetted w/ Pull-Over Machine
3 sets 10 reps
3 sets 10 reps
The following was performed as one continuous mega set with with zero rest between sets or rounds
HS Low Row supersetted w/ Close Grip Pull-down supersetted w/ Farmers Walks
90x10/10; 90x10/10; 90x10/10
150x8; 150x8; 150x8
100x 50 yds; 100x50yds; 100x50yds
-Tonight was fun. It was first time I've missed a gym lift in 1-2 years. I really don't remember the last time that happened. I knew I didn't have a big pull in me today as soon as I felt 405. I was with my old training partner Chris, so I said fuck it and just kept going up. 495 was a grind. I only attempted 545 because he loaded that for a triple. When I missed it, I got fucking pissed and retried it. I just have to lol at my second attempt. I barely fucking broke the floor with the first, there was no way the second attempt would have happened. Oh well. It was more fun watching Chris pull 495x5 and 545x3 after not deadlifting for 2 months. No elaborate plans, no agonizing over stupid shit, he just shows up and destroys whatever is up to be destroyed that day. (He pulled 630x5 a few months ago).
-Even the lowest volume Sheiko sucks for my deadlift. It has little to do with the deadlift programming, and more to do with the squat volume. I was constantly pulling in a fatigued state, coming off a meet where I was pulling at an extreme 5x a week frequency. I could feel my deadlift tanking every week. The pulls were light compared to my official 570 deadlift, but they always felt heavy as fuck.. I never had a 570 deadlift during the program, and I was never close to it today.
-My 2012 deadlift approach will be slightly revamped. The biggest change will be speed pulls in place of heavy sets. I've thought about this 1000 times, and there is simply no way for me to program a routine that involves heavy deadlifts on a weekly basis (without impacting every other lift).
-My goal has always been to total elite as a raw natural. I will do this. I have no doubts. I'm not upset about today because I've learned so much the past 6 months. My path to elite requires precision, and learning how to peak with every lift. I'm not a Chris. I can't brute strength my way into a huge total while staying natural a decent bodyweight. I need to get good at each lift to move big weight.
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