Friday, April 26, 2013

Phase 3 Day 59


135 for a few sets; 225 for a few sets... meh

Hang Clean
185x2; 185x2; 185x2; 205x1

Conventional Deadlift
315x3; 365x2; 405x2; 455x2; 455x1; 315x5; 315x3

Suitcase Deadlift
135x3/3; 135x3/3; 185x1/1


400m Run
-First time in new shoes

Stadium Runs
-32 minutes
-every 5th climb or so was a semi sprint
-forgot HR monitor, but HR was higher than normal because I pushed it a bit

I tried squatting and setting my knees per convo with Gabe earlier in the day.  It felt better, but I have some residual anterior knee soreness right now.  I slightly widened my stance and it felt ok.  I'll revisit squats next week.

First time deadlifting in months.  I think since January where I was working on sumo pulls to get my glutes working.  I had no plan other than just getting a feel for pulling from the ground again. It felt great.  All reps were super clean and smooth.  455 isn't anything special, but in the context with where I'm at right now, I'm really pleased.  My body felt so fucking solid.  Last post I talked about "resetting" my core.  It was really apparent last night.

One thing I noticed was my lockout was solid as fuuuuck.  All those RDL's, swings and constant bracing/squeezing came to fruition.  I wasn't even thinking about it, but my hinge was like BOOM.  I haven't been going heavy on RDL's, but its been about patterning the movement.  Also, I do a lot of random kettlebell shit I never post.  I brace hard as hell during snatches, presses, etc.  I think it is noticable in my squat vids now because my alignment is much improved.

Deadlifts are officially back in my training week.

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