Friday, April 19, 2013

Phase 3 Day 54


275x3; 295x2; 315x1; 315x1; 275x3; 275x3; 225x6

Standing Overhead
135x5; 135x5; 135x5

Cable Row
150x10; 150x10; 150x15

Poundstone Curls
70 Reps (+5)


Prowler (90 lbs)

75 yard runs for 42 minutes.  Lost count of reps early on, but easily 30+ runs

Excellent day on both the strength and conditioning front.  Its been 6+ months since I had 3 plates on the bench.  First single was buttery smooth and fast.  Second single wasn't bad, but I got out of the groove a little bit.   315 is probably about 95% for me right now.  I was satisfied with some solid reps, so I dropped back down.  The next 2-3 sessions I want more rep work in the 285 range.   I still need considerable work with manageable weights if I want to PR in the next 3-4 weeks.  My best bench is 340.  So, I'll need to really be on my game for 345.

I was in a bad mood today for unrelated shit and yelled at my training partners about back work.  "We should be twice as much fucking back work as we do."  Connors response, "Well, you're the one that wants to bench twice a week."  Haha, fair enough.  Nonetheless, I need to get more back volume in.

Excellent conditioning session.  I mostly do each "run" at a brisk walk.  I stay on my toes and use big, powerful steps.  Each 75 yard trip takes approximately 40 seconds.  Early on in the session, recovery takes as little as 20-25 seconds.  As the session goes on, recovery gradually creeps up to 45 seconds.  That is basically where I ended today.

I judge recovery with a heartrate monitor.  When my heartrate drops to 130 BPM, I start my next run.  One 75 yard run usually bumps the HR from 130 to 145-150.  As the session goes on, HR will bump up to 155 during one 75 yard run.  Structuring sessions in this manner allows me to stretch the total time working without significantly impairing recovery.  If my heartrate isn't going above 155, the session is easily something that is recovered from with one night's sleep.


  1. can you recommend a HRM? I'd like to use one for conditioning

  2. I have a standard Polar like this:

    Amanda recently bought this in the girl version. Some HRM's have a shitload of features (like GPS, etc), but I don't need all that. I just want a really accurate HR monitor/stop watch that gives me info on calories and stuff too. I've had mine for 3 years and the battery is still going.

    If you aren't doing distance runs and stuff, I can't imagine you'd need much more than a basic setup.
