Saturday, April 6, 2013

Phase 3 Day 47

Strength and Conditioning

1. Swings
70x10; 70x10; 70x10

2. Waiter Walks
70x100(yds); 70x100; 70x50; 70x50; 70x50; 70x50

3.  Snatch Ladder
(1-5 w/ 70lb) (6-10 w/ 53lb)
left: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10
right: 10; 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1

4. Clean and Press
53x3/3; 53x3/3; 53x3/3; 53x3/3; 53x3/3; 53x3/3

I finally got around to trying out my new Again Faster kettlebells.  I got the 24kg and the 32kg. I'm gonna do a review hopefully this week.  Again Faster is like a mini version of Rogue Fitness.  They make hard use equipment that is pretty economical.  Popular with Crossfit, et al. Overall, the Again Faster are decent economy bells that I would recommend for anyone on a budget.  The finish is going to get destroyed pretty easy, but the overall design and shape (the most important part) is solid.  The handles are also smooth.  They are good enough for what I need.

During this workout, what I noticed pretty quickly is that the 70lb KB is heavy enough to beat me down.  Those waiter walks were hard as fuck.  I can snatch the 70 for low reps, but  really need to improve my form because its in-efficient and hurts on the decent.

I'm pretty sore today from my shoulders down to my forearms.  If your grip sucks, doing a bunch of kettlebell work will rectify that pretty fucking fast.  Mid-back is also tight.

This was only my second workout of the week.  One barbell session, one kettlebell session. I'm officially in finals season. Because I'm taking Trial and Pretrial, all of the end of the year stuff happens earlier.  These are active classes that includes a ton of speaking and preparation.  So anyways, didn't get to do to much this week.   Its ok though because I was thinking it was time for a deload anyways.  I haven't really deloaded all semester.  I need to try to hit up some solid conditioning this weekend though.  Aerobic fitness starts to decline pretty fast.

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