Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Feel Good Routine - Day 9

foam roller, hip circles/mountain climbers, 20 pushups, 20 band facepulls, 10 chins, 10 dips

KB Work
70x5; 70x5

70lb Double Clean and Press supersetted w/ 70lb Farmers Walks
10 x 80 yards

10 x 80 yards
10 x 80 yards
10 x 80 yards

Sled on the roof until I couldn't walk... 30ish minutes.

Last night was supposed to be "light."  I'm not wasting anymore negative energy with this on my blog, but long story short, a crossfit trainer "confronted" me on taking the 70lb kb's out of the box. Balance Gym has a regular gym and a crossfit facility essentially connected.  Every once in a while, the crossfit ppl take some of our equipment.  Big deal.  Anyways, apparently me grabbing the 70s to use was a big enough deal for him (150 pound dude teaching 15 people how to squat) to stop his class.  I don't think he was prepared for the intensity of my response.  Haha.

Anyways, that got me all fired up.  I just wanted to use the 70s for a warm-up.  But, I decided to do farmers walks and clean even though I'd done consider back work and deadlifts the day before. Still enraged, I went up to the roof, and just started pushing the sled back and forth.

The roof top is really awesome at night.  Balance gym is 5 stories, but it surrounded by buildings that are all probably around 10.  Further, it isn't on a city block really, its in the middle of a city block.  So you have to actually walk through an alley to get there.  When you are up on the roof with the buildings surrounding you, its almost like being in an arena.  No one is watching of course, its all office buildings.  I'm usually up there by 8-9pm when everyone has gone home.  Still, in a city that is crazy hectic its a nice little cove to go up to and pound out some intense training.

By the time I was done I could barely walk, much less still be pissed off.  I'm not sure how long I was up  there, but as I was leaving I estimated it to be around 30 minutes of almost continuous sled pushing.  Push across 40 yards, rest 20-30 seconds, push again.  What did this tell me besides the fact I use exercise for therapy? (haha)  Well, moderate interval training is probably all about perception once you have a base strength and conditioning level.  I could keep going because at the end of the day, the sled is pretty fucking light compared to the heavy leg training I've done over the years.  Usually I've thought that 5 to 8 hard passes was pretty good.  Why stop there though.  If you want to keep going, keep going.  Its not heavy.

This brings up my final point: you don't need to sprint every run or do every interval at max intensity.  What if I had done the 5-8 runs and left?  Ok, not a bad finisher.  Now, what if I did that for a month?  Listen to everyone that jerks off to interval training and you'd say massive fat loss, right?  Probably not.  But, what if I did 30 minutes for a month instead. Something tells me that would be a whole lot more effective. Not sprinting every run, just pushing the fucking thing.

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