Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Feel Good Routine - Day 1

5-7 minutes of foam rolling
IT Band Stretch
Psoas Stretch
Ankle/Toe Vents
Hip Circles
Scap Pushups
Wall Retractions
KB Windmills
KB Getups
KB Goblet Squat

Training Circuit

Double KB Clean and Press (20/20kg) / Double Front Squat (20/20 kg) / Push-ups / Chins and Pullups

1 - 1 - 1 - 1
2 - 2 - 2 - 2
3 - 3 - 3 - 3
4 - 4 - 4 - 4
5 - 4 - 5 - 4
6 - 3 - 6 - 3
7 - 2 - 7 - 2
8 - 1 - 8 - 1

10-30 seconds rest in between rounds.

More Feel Good Stuff
Facepulls - 2 sets
Glute ham Raise - 4, 4

Run Home in Thunderstorm
1.2 miles

Today was Day 1 of my "Feel Good Routine."  The entire point is to leave the gym feeling good.  Today I did just that.  I actually felt better leaving than I did walking in.  I felt loose, warm, and had a very solid sweat going.

I challenge anyone to do that circuit above and tell me it is not hard.  It might look simple, but it caught up with me very quickly.  The KB clean and Press and the Push-ups were done with escalating density.  The front squat and chins were done in wave fashion.  They peaked and then went back down.  This was a nice way to gradually increase intensity, while giving myself a mental break by having some of the reps drop down.   This is a Dan John style workout.  He has written up a ton of these little ass kickers.  He is the king of simple and effective.  If its good enough for Dan John, its good enough for me.

In sum, the circuit wasn't soul-crushing, but it was challenging and effective.  The movements felt crisp and fluid after my extensive warmups.  When it was over, I was winded, but  felt good.

I stepped outside to go home and it was absolutely pouring.  Not just raining, but down-pouring. I doubt it could rain much harder.  I didn't have too many options living right in the middle of the city.  Car was parked by apartment, no umbrella (which would have done no good.. I saw people still getting soaked), and I would have been drenched trying to get a cab anyways.  So, I said fuck it.  Got a trash bag, wrapped up my back pack, made holes for the straps, and started running.

I was soaked to the bone in seconds.  It felt fucking great.  There is something extremely liberating about running through the rain on your own accord.  I passed by people standing in doorways waiting for the storm to pass; I passed people looking miserable under their umbrellas; and I passed people gawking at the down pour through their windows.  Me?  I was just some 235 pound bro running full speed through the streets, not giving a fuck if I splashed into huge puddles.

Be strong, be in shape.  (Credit to Paul C).  On one hand, some might find it lame to talk about running through the rain for a mile and a half.  On the other hand, I passed by scores of people that were absolutely paralyzed about what to do because it was raining.  Fuck, we've really become a fragile species.

At one time or another, I'm sure we all fantasize about the pathetic dude out at a bar physically crossing the line with your girlfriend.  Wrong girl bro; I was repping 500 from the floor last night.  Or, we think about the 150lb thug that picks you out on the street because you are listening to an iPod.  Stupid move bro; I was chinning a 100lbs last night.  But lets face it.  I'm going to be a lawyer in a law firm.  The quintessential paper pushing desk-jockey job. The chance of those types of situations arising are slim.  The chance of having to sprint a couple miles through the rain aren't that slim.  I did it and didn't think too much about it because I'm in shape.

In conclusion, I train and condition because I hate carrying an umbrella, and in my world being strong and in shape means running through a fucking thunderstorm. Haha.

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