Tuesday, February 25, 2014

LP Day 7

1. Squat
335x5  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFhUcu7zy2Q
335x5  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYrcSl3Kv78

2. RDL

3. One Arm Farmers Walk (61)
3 Trips

4a. Calf Raises
90x8; 90x8; 90x8

4b. 3 Month Pullover
60x8; 60x8; 60x8

Squats continue to feel heavy.  Usually my first couple reps look solid, then like clock work my butt starts shooting up.  I'm aware its happening, but usually I can only think "fuuuuuck" and focus on completing the set.  I do see overall improvement, so I guess that is what is important as I move up in weight.  The way these feel, it seems impossible to ever get back to 405x5.  But I'll keep trying.  I will say, even 2-3 weeks ago I coudn't have done this for 3x5. I guess thats something.

Edit: upon further review of the last set, the bar is definitely drifting forward, and moreso with each rep.  This makes sense since my torso is collapsing. Not sure what the cue to stop this is besides "mid-foot." I think I read somewhere on the Rippetoez this is the ultimate cue?  I guess I understand why now.


  1. I know the toe out wider is one thing he suggests to try to keep the bar over midfoot better.. but if you can't do that bc your hips.. not sure? I still think you should try to lower the bar 1" on your back. Never the less, I still think these look good.

  2. I can try to flair toes a little. My stance could go a little wider. Honestly the hips are loosening up pretty good. I'll take a diff camera angle. I'm placing bar on the top of my scaps, I think my upper back makes it look higher than it is. It takes me a long time to get my shoulders back into that position.
