Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Extra Workout 1

1a.  KB Swing (53)
50; 50; 50; 50

1b.  Goblet Squat (53)
8; 8; 8; 8

1c.  Pushups
10; 10; 10; 10  

Compare tonights pushups with

My pushups right when I started mobility.

Tonights are far from perfect, but they are a whole helluva lot better.  I'd like to get my forearm more square to the ground, and I still suffer from forward head lean and rounded upper back.  But I wasn't trying to make this look extra good, just a random video in between sets.  The upper back neck thing is really the last "major" postural thing I need to address.

Before, my ankle, knees, and hips were completely out of alignment.  Like zig-zags, even though I was squeezing my glutes and quads hard.  My hunchback was twice as bad then.  Now I only have a mini quazi-moto going on.  I haven't really focused on "pushups" per se, although I do a few every warm-up, and recently worked up to 100 reps during the 10,000 swing KB challenge.

In any event, this shit adds up over time.  Its neat to see myself function differently.