Thursday, February 27, 2014

LP Day 8

1.  Bench

2.  Pendlay

3. Facepulls
70x20; 70x20; 70x20; 70x20

Zero groove on bench.  Tonight I worked on not flaring my elbows and getting the bar lower in my hand.  I really liked the bar position once I got used to it.  I'm definitely not trying to "tuck," I just don't want to flare my elbows right out of the hole.  Its noticeable in the 4th set, but was 10x worse before that.  I'm going to everything linear but I feel like I need more than 1x a week practice on bench.  Probably just need to be patient for a few more weeks.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

LP Day 7

1. Squat

2. RDL

3. One Arm Farmers Walk (61)
3 Trips

4a. Calf Raises
90x8; 90x8; 90x8

4b. 3 Month Pullover
60x8; 60x8; 60x8

Squats continue to feel heavy.  Usually my first couple reps look solid, then like clock work my butt starts shooting up.  I'm aware its happening, but usually I can only think "fuuuuuck" and focus on completing the set.  I do see overall improvement, so I guess that is what is important as I move up in weight.  The way these feel, it seems impossible to ever get back to 405x5.  But I'll keep trying.  I will say, even 2-3 weeks ago I coudn't have done this for 3x5. I guess thats something.

Edit: upon further review of the last set, the bar is definitely drifting forward, and moreso with each rep.  This makes sense since my torso is collapsing. Not sure what the cue to stop this is besides "mid-foot." I think I read somewhere on the Rippetoez this is the ultimate cue?  I guess I understand why now.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

LP Day 6

1.  Squat

2. Overhead

3. Deadift

I stayed out till like 4 a.m. last night.  I actually didn't have a ton to drink, but I can't do that anymore and actually function in the morning. It goes without saying I can't do that and lift well.  Woke up at 10am and got the gym at 12 to warm up.  Felt awful.  On my first workset I did one rep and racked it, and almost left.  Eventually I got my squat sets done.

This was generally dumb because I look forward to the Saturday session all week.

Extra Workout 2

1.  Turkish Getup (53)
3 both side

2a. KB Swing (70)
50; 50; 50

2b. Goblet Squat (70)
10; 10; 10

2c.  Windmills (53)
5; 5; 5

2d.  Renegade Row (53)
3; 3; 3

25 minutes
320 calories

Thursday night

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

LP Day 5

1. Bench

2. Pendlay

3. Facepulls

Bench felt meh.  I'm doing everything paused I guess now.  Everyone at Balance pauses everything so whoopdy doo, I'm pausing.  Its better for me in the long run but not as fun.  I've never truly studied bench form.  I've read a bunch, but haven't really developed a philosophy on bench technique yet. Maybe I need to pull up SS.  In any event, I'm playing with grip and bar path right now. I don't want gangly/weird angles with my forearms when I'm benching.

<3 Pendlays.  Form feels great.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Extra Workout 1

1a.  KB Swing (53)
50; 50; 50; 50

1b.  Goblet Squat (53)
8; 8; 8; 8

1c.  Pushups
10; 10; 10; 10  

Compare tonights pushups with

My pushups right when I started mobility.

Tonights are far from perfect, but they are a whole helluva lot better.  I'd like to get my forearm more square to the ground, and I still suffer from forward head lean and rounded upper back.  But I wasn't trying to make this look extra good, just a random video in between sets.  The upper back neck thing is really the last "major" postural thing I need to address.

Before, my ankle, knees, and hips were completely out of alignment.  Like zig-zags, even though I was squeezing my glutes and quads hard.  My hunchback was twice as bad then.  Now I only have a mini quazi-moto going on.  I haven't really focused on "pushups" per se, although I do a few every warm-up, and recently worked up to 100 reps during the 10,000 swing KB challenge.

In any event, this shit adds up over time.  Its neat to see myself function differently.

Monday, February 17, 2014

LP Day 4

1.  Squat

2. RDL

3.  One Arm Farmer (70)
2 trips each arm

4.  3 Month Pullover
55x10; 55x10

Lifted today instead of Tuesday because I had the day off.  Still worked about 5 hours from home though.  Squat form is starting to come around.  I think there is still a lot of extra movement, most notably with the torso lean.  That is obviously inefficient, but I think it will start to work itself out.  These still feel super hard and slow. But all in all, I feel positive about the direction things seem to be going.  I'd also like to note I felt considerably looser and relaxed leaving the gym.  Pretty cool to feel like that after backsquats.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

LP Day 3

1.  Squat

2.  Overhead Press

3.  Deadlift

4.  Curlz

Probably my hardest squat session yet.  Drank too much bourbon last night, and it took me forever to get to the gym and get warmed up.  Took my time though and all reps were solid and deep.  No joint pain.

Deadlift was fairly easy.  I thought my reps looked pretty natural and fluid.  I can tell the bar is off my body a little.  Part of that is the knee sleeves...Sounds dumb but I keep the bar off a little so it doesn't catch on the lip of the sleeve.  It looks like I might be setting up too far over the bar too.  I'll get a better camera angle next week.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

LP Day 2

1. Bench

2.  Pendlay

3.  Facepulls
15; 15; 15

Did a couple extra bench sets to work on form.  I had a couple guys watching me. I'm trying to take a slightly narrower grip, with pinkies inside power rings.

Pendlays felt super easy.  Everything super light but I'll get back up there soon enough.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

LP Day 1

1.  Squat

2.  RDL

3.  One Arm Farmers (70lb)
40 yds each arm x 2 trips

4.  3 Month Pullover
53x8; 53x8; 53x8

Squats felt good.  I definitely prefer the minimalist shoes at this point.  I'm hitting solid depth and like the way my joints function with my feet flat on the ground.  I still have a tendency to start shooting he hips up in later reps/sets, but I'm aware and working on the issue.  I made the right decision to reset to 315.  I'm most interested in a solid movement pattern at this point.

RDL's didn't even feel like an exercise after all the swings haha.  Gonna have to load more aggressively I guess.

Overall, I liked the setup today.

Monday, February 10, 2014

New Routine: Linear Progression


Tomorrow I begin a classic barbell strength routine. I call it classic because it utilizes basic barbell movements: squat, bench, deadlift, row, press.  And also because training sessions are limited to three times a week, and each lift is primarily trained in 3x5 or 5x5 rep schemes.  I've always enjoyed this style of training and I'm excited to get back into it.  In fact, my second post on this blog declared:
My current routine is a modified 5x5 that is designed to maximize recovery while still allowing me to lift heavy on a frequent basis.
I have no idea what that means.  Insert :::shrug::: emoticon here.  I want my brain with its  2011 lifting secrets back.

Since starting this blog, around the beginning of law school, I've run the following routines:

5x5/Full Body, Strength Ladders, 40 day program, Bryce Lane's 50/20, Sheiko, Mike T's RTS, Full Body, Feel Good Routine, Big Beyond Belief, Getting Mobile, Mobility Phase 1, Mobility Phase 2, Mobility Phase 3, "Pull and Overhead Press/Jerk Routine," Beyond 531, Unnamed Routine, 10,000 Swing Challenge.  Before this blog there was moar Sheiko, Smolov for like 2 weeks, 531 original, made up powerbuilding routines (that fucking rocked), and lots of standard full body stuff.

Holy crap!  A classic case of program hopping, no doubt.  Oh well, I've learned a lot, set PR's and had a ton of fun. And I don't even think those are all the routines anyways.


I had a reason(s) for each routine, some more well thought out than others.  The past 12-15 months have mostly been dominated with injuries and mobility.  During this time, I've been itching to get back into standard, straight forward barbel lifting. Its been my bread and butter on and off since the beginning, and its a lot of fun.  Its skilled heavy lifting.  And its difficult.

My basic plan is this:  1) linear progression 2) intermediate programming as needed 3) advanced routine.  I have zero desire to start heavy.  Literally, none.  In fact, I'm going to start everything ridiculously light.  I haven't been doing shit, so who cares.

***My only caveat to all of this is my knee.  If I lose confidence in it, I'm pulling the plug, no questions asked.  I'm finally at the point where it is feeling better, the physical therapy is more helpful than I thought, and I'm simply not fucking with it anymore.***


I used to think I was pretty good at planning my own routines.  Then I sent my plan to Gabe, and he sent something back that was a lot better:

Squat 3x5
RDL 3x8

Bench 5x5
Pendlay 3x5
Facepulls 3x10

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

Thats it.  I may change press to 5x5, but the above is my routine.  I'm going to start ridiculously low on everything and just let the lifts take care of themselves.  I have some thoughts for the next phases, but for now I love the simplicity.  Straight forward general strength training.  Its upper/lower during the week to cut down on training time.  I envision the intermediate phase to be a full body split, if work permits.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

10,000 Swings Complete

Swings (53)
10 clusters 25, 50, 25 (1000 reps)

75 minutes

Done!  1000 swings for my last "challenge" workout.  It was hard, but I was ready for it.  I had a lot of fun with this program.  It was a challenge different from anything I've done before.  Before doing an in depth write-up, I'd like to reflect on it and also maybe get a couple barbell sessions in for additional feedback.  Based on what I saw tonight (explained below), I think I'll be pleasantly surprised with some of the carry over.  Heres as short list of what I saw as the program developed:  increased swing efficiency; much improved hinge patterning; fat loss; huge improvements in aerobics; muscle put on in glutes, hams and back; iron fucking grip.  Other stuff:  improvement in pushup/chin volume; goblet squat was great for back squat; one arm kb press much improved.

Barbell Practice Warm-up
1.  Bench
135x8; 135x8; 135x8

2. Deadlift (conventional and semi-sumo)
275x3; 275x3

3. Pendlay
185x3; 275x2 (PR)

4. OHP
95x5; 95x5; 95x5

Before my swing workout I did a little barbell work just messing around with form and positioning.  Pendlay 185 just flew up like nothing.  I was like wtf? So I threw 275 just to see, and I banged out a fairly easy double.   I had to check my records.  I've done 275x2 with straps, but not raaaaw.   The swwwwwing.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


1.  Squat  (sets are hyperlinked, blogger won't let me make the text blue)

2a.  Swings (60)

2b.  Pushups

3. One Arm Farmer Walks (70)
4 trips down and back

After extensive goblet squat testing, I realized the olympic shoes were: 1) artificially restricting my stance and 2) actually hurting my natural depth.  On a whim, I decided to try low bar today without squat shoes.  Boom!  Felt great. Depth is good, knees are good, stance is "normal."

365 was a little ugly and not as deep as the others, but I still think I broke parallel.  Felt good to squat like a normal person.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


1a.  Swings (53)
500 reps

1b.  Press (53)
40 reps

1c.  Goblet (53)
40 reps

Forgot last night I did my swing reps with the 88.  Also snatched and windmilled it.  I was semi impressed with windmilling that weight.  Wonder if it carries over to anything lol.  Anyways, 53 felt ridiculously light tonight.

I experimented a ton with stance.  Bottom line is I can go slightly wider without squat shoes.  Also my knees don't travel nearly as far.  I'm going try squatting without a heel and see how it feels.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


1.  Squat

2a.  Swings

2b. Pushups

2c.  Chins

Squats only look average, imo.  I felt like I was starting to "good morning" the weight up a little, so I texted Gabe and he said basically keep chest up and stop shooting up hips.  And yep, if you look at the video, my chest drops as my hips shoot up out of the hole. Its hard to tell from the angle, but while all this is happening, my knees concurrently cave.  Its too early for me to develop poor tendencies, so next session: chest up, knees out, hips normal.

Overall, I want to develop a squat that is smooth transition out throughout the entire ROM.   Or at least not disjointed like the above sets.  Its not horrible, but I can do better.


1a. Swing (70)

1b. Press (53)
sets of 5 for 30 total

1c.  Goblet (53)
sets of 5 for 30 total

Wanted to do a little something before the Super Bowl.  I finished out the swings I got tired of doing the day before.  One more week of this.


1.  Squat

2a.  Swings (70)
300 total

2b.  Chins
53x3x3; BWx3x4

2c. Pushups

315x3x5.  Zero pain - anywhere.  Can't really ask for more than that at this point.  Last couple reps of the third set were a little hard.  My sticking point is obvious.  I'm not worried about it.  I've literally never squatted deep in this fashion before, so everything is new. From here on out, its +5 lbs per session.  Then I'm moving to straight linear on all lifts.  Once I get my base back, I'll run a template out of practical programming 3.  I looked at some of the options last night.  I was a little disappointed with the Advanced section.  I'm obviously not at advanced levels right now, but I'm unsure whether I can realistically PR week to week like on TM.  We'll see.  I guess it would make sense to just go Linear ---- Weekly ----- Monthly.  Maybe the weekly lasts for 4 weeks.  Maybe it lasts for 4 months.

Monday, February 3, 2014


1. Swings (70, 53)

2.  Chins
weighed and bw

3.  Pushups
80 total