2nd Mesocycle
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 of Volume Phase
Deadlift (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
365x5 @ 7
405x5 @ 8.5 (initial)
405x5 @ 9
385x5 @ 9 (load drop, stopped sets due to reaching max fatigue)
Front Squat
155x5 @ 8
185x5 @ 8.5
195x5 @ 10
185x5 @ 9 (load drop)
Bulgarian Split Squat
20 x 5
20 x 5
20 x 5
Russian Twist
400m Run: 1:17
200m Run: 0:34
I'm destroyed. My first time ever doing a 400m run, I qualify as "advanced" according the CF standards. I guess that's a decent starting off point, but I look forward to improving my time. It felt to good to get outside and stretch my legs. I was literally quivering with fatigue afterwords. Both Connor and I noticed our glutes were on fire after the sprints.
I'm slowly making steps towards becoming a badass. Basically, that is my end goal nowadays. Be strong, fast, jacked, and cut.
badass mofo