Monday, March 5, 2012

RTS Week 8 - Day 1

2 Mesocycle

Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 Volume Phase

275x5 (High Bar)
275x5 (Low Bar)
275x3 (High Bar)
275x3 (Low Bar)

225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 8 (initial)
275x5 @ 8
275x5 @ 9
265x5 @ 9 (load drop)


1000m @ 1:53 split

I'm sick of sore knees so last night I started an intense ankle mobility regimen.  Why ankles? Mostly because I constantly work on my hips, and while that seems to help, the problem has not been totally alleviated.  Using a combination of Mike Robertson and MobilityWOD stuff, I hammered my ankles 3 times between last night and todays squat session.

I randomly decided to try high bar after about 25 minutes of mobility warmup because I just felt "mobile."  Overall, I'm pretty damn pleased with how they look considering 6 months ago my squat had digressed to absolute shit.

I'm kind of indifferent as to whether I like the look of high bar or low bar right now.  Low bar feels better for sure after doing it for years, but I like the upright look of the high bar as well.  I'm definitely a little deeper on high bar, but low bar is below parallel too.  I'm a little hesitant to switch to high bar because its hard to imagine progressing to heavy weight, but I'll worry about that later I guess. Its late so I'm not going to overanalyze right now, but basically the picture below tells me a lot (6 months ago low bar, tonight low bar, tonight high bar).

I still have plenty of work left to do, but I feel like I'm heading in the right direction.  This is the most well balanced my program has ever been.   Seeing the vids tonight vindicated much of the work I've been putting in. All of the core work, KB, mobility, shoes, and everything seem to be really helping. I really don't give a fuck about weight anymore.  That will come eventually.  In the mean time, I want to look good and feel healthy in the process.


  1. Squats look soooooo much better. I'm not sure that I notice much of a difference between high and low bar for you.. but if you do decide to keep low bar, you might check out

  2. Thanks man. Yea I don't notice a huge difference either, thats why I'm just like meh.

    Great link. I'll give that grip a shot. The thing is I originally brought my grip way in and got my elbows down because it got me more upright. Rippetoes grip looks like it might promote additional forward lean, but I'm not sure. My wrists definitely get compressed, so this might be a very good thing.

  3. Honestly, it might cause a little forward lean, but I think my squat is still pretty upright. The wrist position was the main thing I noticed. Also, it just "locks" the bar in place. Feels good for once (for me). I'm over the "elbows down" idea, unless you are doing high bar ATG.
