2nd Mesocycle
Week 5 of Mesocycle, Week 2 of Intensity
165x2 @ 8
185x0... oops
185x2 @ 9
185x2 @ 9
185x2 @ 9.5
70x4 (PR)
Close Grip Incline
245x3 (PR)
Huge chin PR. Thats both a weight and rep PR. Definitely have never strapped on 70 pounds before. I'm not sure I've really gone above 45 ever on chins.
Incline was very solid tonight. I feel poised to hit a new 1-2 rep PR next week. I will note, sometimes on these exercises I'm hitting "technical" PR's, in that I've never done that weight for those reps before. Last cycle I hit 225x8 on week 5 and 275x1 on week 6. I'm sure on both of those nights I was capable of 245x3. Nonetheless, one thing I took away from reviewing my old journal was I incessantly tracked PR's at all weight and reps. Generally, I think that is a really good idea for many reasons.
Today I trained totally fasted. I did have a double protein shake around 1:30pm, but I didn't workout until 6:15p.m. I've been doing this for the last 5 weeks because of lent. Something very cool happened in the gym today. By the time I got to chins I realized I had a huge amount of adrenaline pumping. I was hyper aware and focused, and I could just feel my nervous system operating at full tilt. Basically, as the session continued, I felt fucking awesome at lifting weights. Mentally, just totally intune, and my body responded in kind with the PR's.
I was talking with Matt post workout tonight, and he mentioned an article Kiefer wrote called The Hulk Factor. The long and short of it is the nervous system and adrenal glands kick into hypermode when strength training in a gylcogen depleted or sans carb state. Obviously, fasting will put you into this state very quickly. In prior weeks I've noticed this consistently happens on Fridays. It also happened on other days, but not as frequently. At the time, I just assumed it had something to do with being in an underfed state. I specifically remember likening it to being a caveman. It was like I hadn't eaten all day, and now I was on the hunt. My body called on everything hormonal and neurological to make the fucking kill.
I've also experienced the Hulk effect immediately post workout when I'm underfed and begin making food. Its like I'm perfeclty synchronized in the kitchen. I multi-task to the extreme and make huge savory, meat-filled meals in minutes.
I will note, I've really only experienced this hulk effect during more pure strength training. 5x5 volume squat days in total depletion just totally suck. Huge adrenaline influxes might get me through the training, but it still feels like shit.
One last note on the missed overhead. In the article, Kiefer mentions his own Hulk Effect took a few minutes after warmups to take hold. This happened tonight with the overheads. I wasn't focused or ready to go. I wasn't "on" yet. Ordinarily missing something like that at the start of my workout might cause me to label the day as a weak day. The strength just isn't there, so get shit done. Yet tonight as I transitioned to chins, things really began to take off.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Random Thoughts on the Coming Weeks
Some thoughts as I eat my post workout meal.
Next week, April 1-6 is my last intensity week. Deload April 7-14. That brings me to April 15th, which is the last week before finals begin. Finals begin April 23rd and end May 4th. My tentative start date in Washington DC is May 14th, or May 21st. It is up to me. The firm summer program is 12 weeks either way. I think I might take the later start date. This would give me a week to go home, see family, have some balls to the walls lifting sessions, and eat like a fat kid with my friends.
After writing that schedule out, I realize I'm at an impasse. On the one hand, I've made the best strength gains in years the last 10 weeks... and it isn't even close. I want to keep it going. On the other hand, I've lost 20 pounds, and I'm about to start a very intense, stressful time - finals. I want to keep the weight loss going and do well on finals. We only get one test, and one grade per semester. So where will I go from here?
This is what I wrote on January 2nd of this year:
"Its time to walk the walk. I don’t want to go to D.C. a "big and strong" person. I’m already a big strong person. … I don’t want to walk around the humid summer streets of D.C. in a suit sweating my ass off. I’m sure people will understand that even though I’m a disgusting sweaty 250 pounds, its cool because I can almost deadlift 600 pounds. Right. I have a lot more to me than just being “big” and “strong.” So I squat a lot. Whoopdy fucking doo.
I said I needed to lose 20-25 pounds to look good. I've lost 20. I look a lot better, but now I realize I don't want to look good, I want to look fucking awesome. This makes me decision really easy. Whatever I do the next 4-6 weeks, I will maintain my diet. After next week, I'm cutting lifting down to 3x a week. I'll likely cut exercises and sets down as well. It just doesn't matter. I'm not going to get weak. At this point I just want to maintain strength and stay active. Some of these sessions lately have become way too time consuming and destroy me for the rest of the night. I can't afford that anymore. Will I really care if my squat goes up 10 pounds in 4 weeks? Not really. Will I care if I lose another 5-8 pounds in 4 weeks? Absolutely.
January 1st: 259
RTS Week 10 - Day 3
2nd Mesocycle
Week 5 of Mesocycle, Week 1 of Intensity Phase
405x3 @ 8
455x3 @ 9
475x1 @ 9
495x1 @ 9.5
All I had time for... lots to do tonight still. 495 felt heavy, but I maintained form. I'm looking to pull low to mid 500s next week, but we shall see. Its starting to get to the part in the semester where I will be very busy. I'm putting school first, because there just isn't enough to gain in 4 weeks of lifting that makes any sacrifice in grades worth it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Kettlebell Recovery, Core Training, and Conditioning
16kg x 30
16kg x 30
16kg x 10/10
16kg x 8/8
20kg x 5/5
20kg x 3/3
Waiter walk
20kg x 100m
20kg x 100m
20kg x 100m
20kg x 100m
Took it easy today and allowed rest in between waiter walks. Usually we just do them continuously. I'll scale back the core/conditioning stuff over the next two weeks as I'm into heavy single/triple territory.
16kg x 30
16kg x 30
16kg x 10/10
16kg x 8/8
20kg x 5/5
20kg x 3/3
Waiter walk
20kg x 100m
20kg x 100m
20kg x 100m
20kg x 100m
Took it easy today and allowed rest in between waiter walks. Usually we just do them continuously. I'll scale back the core/conditioning stuff over the next two weeks as I'm into heavy single/triple territory.
RTS Week 11 - Day 2
2nd Mesocycle
Week 5 Mesocycle, Week 2 Intensity Phase
225x3 @ 7
275x3 @ 7.5
295x2 @ 8
315x2 @ 9
300x3 @ 9
Bent Row
255x3 (Belt)
275x5 (Straps)
25x10 (PR)
50x5; 50x5; 50x5
Rear Delts
2 sets
Bench felt great overall. I'm satisfied getting in 3-4 sets solid heavy sets. I feel like I'm on the brink of a nice PR next week. I felt good today, but force on the bar might have been 90% of what I feel I'm capable. I don't know how to explain, but I could just feel I wasn't peaked tonight even though I felt strong. I think it has less to do with the weight on the bar and more to do with the general bar speed relative to my session last week.
I'm burnt out on bent rows. I think I'm going to drop them for DB rows or something next mesocycle. I love the movement, it will always be a staple of mine, but I'm starting to dread them.
Dips felt good. PR basically because I haven't done weighted dips too often.
Week 5 Mesocycle, Week 2 Intensity Phase
225x3 @ 7
275x3 @ 7.5
295x2 @ 8
315x2 @ 9
300x3 @ 9
Bent Row
255x3 (Belt)
275x5 (Straps)
25x10 (PR)
50x5; 50x5; 50x5
Rear Delts
2 sets
Bench felt great overall. I'm satisfied getting in 3-4 sets solid heavy sets. I feel like I'm on the brink of a nice PR next week. I felt good today, but force on the bar might have been 90% of what I feel I'm capable. I don't know how to explain, but I could just feel I wasn't peaked tonight even though I felt strong. I think it has less to do with the weight on the bar and more to do with the general bar speed relative to my session last week.
I'm burnt out on bent rows. I think I'm going to drop them for DB rows or something next mesocycle. I love the movement, it will always be a staple of mine, but I'm starting to dread them.
Dips felt good. PR basically because I haven't done weighted dips too often.
Monday, March 26, 2012
RTS Week 11 - Day 1
2nd Mesocycle
Week 5 Mesocycle, Week 1 Intensity Phase
315x3 @ 8
365x3 @ 9 (belt)
405x1 @ 9
Romanian Deadlift
225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 7.5 (straps)
315x5 @ 8
355x5 @ 9
365x5 @ 10 (PR)
Ab Wheel
4; 4; 4
3 sets
5 x 100m sprints @ 90%
-Decent session to kickoff the intensity phase of this macrocycle. Its hard to believe that 405x1 is a top squat set for me right now. I reviewed my old college journal a little tonight... Four years ago I was repping 405x3-6 for multiple sets across, and working up to 500+ seemingly at will (see below). Many things have changed since then. "Real life" mostly. Job, law school, moving across the country a couple of times, etc.
I'm actually totally fine with where I'm at right now. Overall, I'm just a much more developed, complete lifter. I weighed in at 240 this morning. That is -19 pounds since January 1st (85 days or 12 weeks). Ordinarily the weight loss and squat performance might be a cause for concern. But considering I'm hitting PR's across the board in literally every other lift, I really don't care. 19 pounds is a huge change in leverage. The fat gut I've been using for squat leverage is almost gone. I was down 2 full notches in my PL belt today. I'm also fucking with my stance literally every week.
Romanian DL PR is a testament that things are moving in the right direction. Connor also noted I looked faster and lighter during sprints. I felt faster. Part of this is the weight loss, part of it is I've been doing quality sprint work 2x a week for 3 weeks now.
5-30-2008. Week 2 of Sheiko 29.
Week 5 Mesocycle, Week 1 Intensity Phase
315x3 @ 8
365x3 @ 9 (belt)
405x1 @ 9
Romanian Deadlift
225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 7.5 (straps)
315x5 @ 8
355x5 @ 9
365x5 @ 10 (PR)
Ab Wheel
4; 4; 4
3 sets
5 x 100m sprints @ 90%
-Decent session to kickoff the intensity phase of this macrocycle. Its hard to believe that 405x1 is a top squat set for me right now. I reviewed my old college journal a little tonight... Four years ago I was repping 405x3-6 for multiple sets across, and working up to 500+ seemingly at will (see below). Many things have changed since then. "Real life" mostly. Job, law school, moving across the country a couple of times, etc.
I'm actually totally fine with where I'm at right now. Overall, I'm just a much more developed, complete lifter. I weighed in at 240 this morning. That is -19 pounds since January 1st (85 days or 12 weeks). Ordinarily the weight loss and squat performance might be a cause for concern. But considering I'm hitting PR's across the board in literally every other lift, I really don't care. 19 pounds is a huge change in leverage. The fat gut I've been using for squat leverage is almost gone. I was down 2 full notches in my PL belt today. I'm also fucking with my stance literally every week.
Romanian DL PR is a testament that things are moving in the right direction. Connor also noted I looked faster and lighter during sprints. I felt faster. Part of this is the weight loss, part of it is I've been doing quality sprint work 2x a week for 3 weeks now.
5-30-2008. Week 2 of Sheiko 29.
240x10(Needed to see where the strength was at, looking good)
Incline Fly
135x6 (Drop Set)
lol... what the FUCK was I doing?
lol... what the FUCK was I doing?
Friday, March 23, 2012
RTS Week 10 - Day 4
2nd Mesocycle
Week 4 of Mesocycle, Week 4 of Volume Phase
155x5 @ 7.5
185x5 @ 10 (PR) (belt)
155x5 @ 8
155x5 @ 8
45x7 (PR)
Close Grip Bench (Flat)
3 sets
Conditioning: Farmers Walks
85 x 60 yds
85 x 90 yds
85 x 90 yds
85 x 110 yds
Rep PR's in chins and overhead press. Both lifts were all out efforts.
This wraps up the 4 week volume phase. The next two weeks will be heavier lifting. Hopefully more PR's to come. I'm feeling strong, but
Week 4 of Mesocycle, Week 4 of Volume Phase
155x5 @ 7.5
185x5 @ 10 (PR) (belt)
155x5 @ 8
155x5 @ 8
45x7 (PR)
Close Grip Bench (Flat)
3 sets
Conditioning: Farmers Walks
85 x 60 yds
85 x 90 yds
85 x 90 yds
85 x 110 yds
Rep PR's in chins and overhead press. Both lifts were all out efforts.
This wraps up the 4 week volume phase. The next two weeks will be heavier lifting. Hopefully more PR's to come. I'm feeling strong, but
Thursday, March 22, 2012
RTS Week 10 - Day 3
2nd Mesocycle
Week 4 Mesocycle, Week 4 Volume Phase
365x3 @ 7
405x5 @ 8
455x8 @ 9.5 (PR)
365x5 @ 9
Front Squat
Split Squat
Russian Twists
400m sprint - 1:22
200m sprint
200m sprint
I've never pulled more than 5 reps over 455, so I'm obviously very pleased with tonight. Warming up I could tell the bar lacked pop. It wasn't slow, but just didn't feel great. This is day 3 of low carb after Monday's carb-up. Considering I'm in Week 4 of the volume phase, I knew I didn't have a bunch of heavy straight sets in me tonight. With the diet and program point in mind, I decided to just work up to one decent set of 5 and then back off for today. Mid-set I decided to just keep going.
That set pretty much destroyed me for the rest of the workout. I just got the shit done and got out of there.
Week 4 Mesocycle, Week 4 Volume Phase
365x3 @ 7
405x5 @ 8
455x8 @ 9.5 (PR)
365x5 @ 9
Front Squat
Split Squat
Russian Twists
400m sprint - 1:22
200m sprint
200m sprint
I've never pulled more than 5 reps over 455, so I'm obviously very pleased with tonight. Warming up I could tell the bar lacked pop. It wasn't slow, but just didn't feel great. This is day 3 of low carb after Monday's carb-up. Considering I'm in Week 4 of the volume phase, I knew I didn't have a bunch of heavy straight sets in me tonight. With the diet and program point in mind, I decided to just work up to one decent set of 5 and then back off for today. Mid-set I decided to just keep going.
That set pretty much destroyed me for the rest of the workout. I just got the shit done and got out of there.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Kettlebell Recovery and Conditioning
16kg x 30
16kg x 30
Goblet Squats
16kg x 10
16kg x 10
16kg x 3/3
16kg x 3/3
Waiter Walk
20kg x 400m (2 switches)
Scaling back the KB stuff a little over the next 2 weeks as I get into some heavier lifting. We reduced the waiter walk by 100m, but only switching twice per arm was challenging. So I walked 100m with my right, then 100m with my left, etc.
16kg x 30
16kg x 30
Goblet Squats
16kg x 10
16kg x 10
16kg x 3/3
16kg x 3/3
Waiter Walk
20kg x 400m (2 switches)
Scaling back the KB stuff a little over the next 2 weeks as I get into some heavier lifting. We reduced the waiter walk by 100m, but only switching twice per arm was challenging. So I walked 100m with my right, then 100m with my left, etc.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
RTS Week 10 - Day 2
2 Mesocycle
Week 4 Mesocycle, Week 4 Volume Phase
Warmups: 135x8; 185x4; 225x3; 265x1; 280x1
295x5 @ 9.5
275x5 @ 9
275x4 @ 9
255x5 @ 8
Bent Row
2 Sets
5 rep pr on bench was the highlight of the day. I listened to classical music walking to the gym and all the way through my 280 single. I was incredibly relaxed and had zero expectations going into today. I will note that yesterday was an absolute disaster squatting. I felt terrible, and forced heavy sets because I let my ego get in the way of what I know is smart. Today was a total turn around and I didn't even realize it was happening until it happened.
Even with a nice bench PR, I don't think I'm the strongest I've ever been on bench. Its kind of more a technical PR. I've tended to go for max singles or doubles when I felt good. Today I decided to stick to the game plan and keep working with 5s to continue improving the ability to grind. I feel like I'll peak nicely over the next couple of weeks.
That might be a dip PR. I'm not sure - I need to start a big spreadsheet tracking everything.
Week 4 Mesocycle, Week 4 Volume Phase
Warmups: 135x8; 185x4; 225x3; 265x1; 280x1
295x5 @ 9.5
275x5 @ 9
275x4 @ 9
255x5 @ 8
Bent Row
2 Sets
5 rep pr on bench was the highlight of the day. I listened to classical music walking to the gym and all the way through my 280 single. I was incredibly relaxed and had zero expectations going into today. I will note that yesterday was an absolute disaster squatting. I felt terrible, and forced heavy sets because I let my ego get in the way of what I know is smart. Today was a total turn around and I didn't even realize it was happening until it happened.
Even with a nice bench PR, I don't think I'm the strongest I've ever been on bench. Its kind of more a technical PR. I've tended to go for max singles or doubles when I felt good. Today I decided to stick to the game plan and keep working with 5s to continue improving the ability to grind. I feel like I'll peak nicely over the next couple of weeks.
That might be a dip PR. I'm not sure - I need to start a big spreadsheet tracking everything.
RTS Week 10 - Day 1
2 Mesocycle
Week 4 of Mesocycle, Week 4 of Volume Phase
315x5 @ 8
345x5 @ 9.5
365x5 @ 10
385x5 @ 10
315x3 @ 8
225x5 @ 7
295x5 @ 8
315x5 @ 9
335x5 @ 9.5
275x5 @ 8
Ab Wheel
3; 3; 3; 1
100m Sprints x 5 (85%)
Week 4 of Mesocycle, Week 4 of Volume Phase
315x5 @ 8
345x5 @ 9.5
365x5 @ 10
385x5 @ 10
315x3 @ 8
225x5 @ 7
295x5 @ 8
315x5 @ 9
335x5 @ 9.5
275x5 @ 8
Ab Wheel
3; 3; 3; 1
100m Sprints x 5 (85%)
Friday, March 16, 2012
RTS Week 9 - Day 4
2nd Mesocycle
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
145x5 @ 7.5
170x5 @ 9 (initial)
170x5 @ 10
155x5 @ 8.5 (load drop, 7.5%)
155x5 @ 9
BWx7 (+1)
45x5 (+10lbs)
35x5 (+10lbs)
BWx7 (+2)
Close Grip Incline
3 sets
Farmers Walks
70/70 x 50 yds
70/70 x 80 yds
70/70 x 80 yds
70/70 x 80 yds
70/70 x 120 yds
Chins have really improved over the last few weeks. Losing weight definitely helps. I have a lot more pop from the stretched position, and my ability to grind through the reps improves.
Press at 170 got a little tough. Again, I feel limited by my sore lower back from deadlifts yesterday. I'm going to throw the belt on during weeks 5 and 6.
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
145x5 @ 7.5
170x5 @ 9 (initial)
170x5 @ 10
155x5 @ 8.5 (load drop, 7.5%)
155x5 @ 9
BWx7 (+1)
45x5 (+10lbs)
35x5 (+10lbs)
BWx7 (+2)
Close Grip Incline
3 sets
Farmers Walks
70/70 x 50 yds
70/70 x 80 yds
70/70 x 80 yds
70/70 x 80 yds
70/70 x 120 yds
Chins have really improved over the last few weeks. Losing weight definitely helps. I have a lot more pop from the stretched position, and my ability to grind through the reps improves.
Press at 170 got a little tough. Again, I feel limited by my sore lower back from deadlifts yesterday. I'm going to throw the belt on during weeks 5 and 6.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
RTS Week 9 - Day 3
2nd Mesocycle
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
365x5 @ 7
405x5 @ 8 (initial)
425x5 @ 9
425x5 @ 9
365x5 @ 8 (load drop
Front Squats
Split Squat
22.5 x 5
22.5 x 5
Russian Twists
200m Sprint at 85%, walk 200m
200m Sprint at 85%, walk 200m
200m Sprint at 85%, walk 200m
200m Sprint at 95%, walk 200m
Two girls joined Connor and I to learn how to deadlift and squat. It was a disaster. Connor's girlfriend left halfway through because he wasn't paying enough attention to her. The other girl argued with me the whole time and told me unequivocally that "what you are making me do is bad for my back." My reply, "You're right. You know better after doing literally 3 sets of an exercise for the first time in your life. I've only deadlifted every week for the past seven years." Our mistake was trying to combine our own serious lower workout with a teaching session of two total newbs. Live and learn.
I've taught many people the basics of the lifts...including lots of girls. I've become pretty damn good at it actually. Most people are deadlifting/squatting with near perfect form in less than 15 minutes. The main difference from tonight is these have always been one on one sessions where I wasn't working out. Lesson learned. Don't try to work up and do sets of 405+ while teaching other people to deadlift with 70lbs.
I don't even have any comments for my own shit because I was barely cognizant of what was going on with my own sets. The RPE's are total guesses. I can generally comment that I feel like my lower back is getting really strong at this point. I've never done this type of workload without a belt.
Last cycle my 3rd week volume day deadlift tonnage was 6910. This week 9925. I'd say a 30% increase, at a slightly higher average intensity represents significant progress. Plus, I weigh less now.
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
365x5 @ 7
405x5 @ 8 (initial)
425x5 @ 9
425x5 @ 9
365x5 @ 8 (load drop
Front Squats
Split Squat
22.5 x 5
22.5 x 5
Russian Twists
200m Sprint at 85%, walk 200m
200m Sprint at 85%, walk 200m
200m Sprint at 85%, walk 200m
200m Sprint at 95%, walk 200m
Two girls joined Connor and I to learn how to deadlift and squat. It was a disaster. Connor's girlfriend left halfway through because he wasn't paying enough attention to her. The other girl argued with me the whole time and told me unequivocally that "what you are making me do is bad for my back." My reply, "You're right. You know better after doing literally 3 sets of an exercise for the first time in your life. I've only deadlifted every week for the past seven years." Our mistake was trying to combine our own serious lower workout with a teaching session of two total newbs. Live and learn.
I've taught many people the basics of the lifts...including lots of girls. I've become pretty damn good at it actually. Most people are deadlifting/squatting with near perfect form in less than 15 minutes. The main difference from tonight is these have always been one on one sessions where I wasn't working out. Lesson learned. Don't try to work up and do sets of 405+ while teaching other people to deadlift with 70lbs.
I don't even have any comments for my own shit because I was barely cognizant of what was going on with my own sets. The RPE's are total guesses. I can generally comment that I feel like my lower back is getting really strong at this point. I've never done this type of workload without a belt.
Last cycle my 3rd week volume day deadlift tonnage was 6910. This week 9925. I'd say a 30% increase, at a slightly higher average intensity represents significant progress. Plus, I weigh less now.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Kettlebell Recovery, Core Training, and Conditioning
I went outside for kettlebell session and enjoyed the 80 degree weather here in STL.
I didn't count reps for a most of my stuff, but it was a spattering of swings, windmills, and bent presses. While I should have been counting my reps, I was instead telling Connor my book idea that explores the sharply developing dichotomy between the "nutritional and training elite" and the fat-hog, little debbie eating masses. I will call it the "Fat-Gap."
I did keep track of my 20kg waiter walk:
500m x 20kg. (+50m).
Our "lap of death" challenge is slowly creeping towards multiple laps. My goal? A one mile waiter walk.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
RTS Week 9 - Day 2
2nd Mesocycle
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
265x5 @ 7.5
280x5 @ 9 (initial)
280x4 @ 9.5
265x5 @ 9 (load drop)
265x4 @ 9.5
Bent Row
205x5 @ 7
225x5 @ 8
245x5 @ 9 (initial)
260x5 @ 10
225x5 @ 8 (load drop)
BWx13 (+2)
BWx13 (+2)
BWx13 (+2)
DB Curls
50x7 (+1)
50x7 (+1)
50x7 (+1)
2 sets
This is week 3rd of the mesocycle. I've begun ramping up a little bit this week based on feel. I still need to keep my training objectives in mind: work capacity and ability to grind. This is why I'm sticking with the sets of 5. Both are definitely improving. I need to remember these objectives as I gradually dip into higher weights. Working in the 9, 9.5, and 10 RPE range is going to accumulate fatigue at a faster rate, but I left plenty in the tank the first couple weeks to leave myself a little wiggle room.
For comparison, I've pasted my first bench workout after the deload 3 sessions ago on 2/28:
250x5 @ 7.5
265x5 @ 8.5 (initial)
265x5 @ 9.5
255x5 @ 9.5 (load drop, cut last set due to hitting max fatigue)
I'm starting to really appreciate how auto-regulation works. My notes for the 2/28 session say "bench was super weak tonight and I had no stamina." I couldn't even finish 5 sets. Instead of freaking out, I stayed within the RTS protocols and just did the amount of work that needed to be done on that day to force adaption. Today's session shows how working within the RPE's kept me moving in the right direction. I'm not totally comfortable with where I'm at in week three (hence the additional volume week), but its definitely moving in the right direction.
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
265x5 @ 7.5
280x5 @ 9 (initial)
280x4 @ 9.5
265x5 @ 9 (load drop)
265x4 @ 9.5
Bent Row
205x5 @ 7
225x5 @ 8
245x5 @ 9 (initial)
260x5 @ 10
225x5 @ 8 (load drop)
BWx13 (+2)
BWx13 (+2)
BWx13 (+2)
DB Curls
50x7 (+1)
50x7 (+1)
50x7 (+1)
2 sets
This is week 3rd of the mesocycle. I've begun ramping up a little bit this week based on feel. I still need to keep my training objectives in mind: work capacity and ability to grind. This is why I'm sticking with the sets of 5. Both are definitely improving. I need to remember these objectives as I gradually dip into higher weights. Working in the 9, 9.5, and 10 RPE range is going to accumulate fatigue at a faster rate, but I left plenty in the tank the first couple weeks to leave myself a little wiggle room.
For comparison, I've pasted my first bench workout after the deload 3 sessions ago on 2/28:
250x5 @ 7.5
265x5 @ 8.5 (initial)
265x5 @ 9.5
255x5 @ 9.5 (load drop, cut last set due to hitting max fatigue)
I'm starting to really appreciate how auto-regulation works. My notes for the 2/28 session say "bench was super weak tonight and I had no stamina." I couldn't even finish 5 sets. Instead of freaking out, I stayed within the RTS protocols and just did the amount of work that needed to be done on that day to force adaption. Today's session shows how working within the RPE's kept me moving in the right direction. I'm not totally comfortable with where I'm at in week three (hence the additional volume week), but its definitely moving in the right direction.
Monday, March 12, 2012
RTS Week 9 - Day 1
2nd Mesocycle
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
315x5 @ 7.5
350x5 @ 9.5 (initial)
365x5 @ 10
315x5 @ 8 (15% load drop due to maxed top set)
315x5 @ 8.5
225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 8
275x5 @ 8
295x5 @ 9
295x5 @ 9
Leg Press
1:30 (+0:15)
100m Sprint x 5 at 80%
In my opinion, 5x5 is one of the hardest squat workouts. After trying every rep scheme imaginable, and years of different programs, this is how I feel. Its just hard... especially when the intensity creeps towards your upper threshold. Part of it has to do with muscle fiber type. Slow twitch dominant people will find heavier sets of 5 for sets across more difficult. Part of it also has to do with the accumulated fatigue often associated with 5x5 style training. In any event, I found tonight's squat session particularly difficult.
I probably should have treated 350 as my top set, but I'm starting to get tired of fooling around with this weight. I've been squatting this for years. 365 was as hard as any squat set I can remember. One thing I need to keep in mind is this is all beltless. In the long run I know this will pay off. Its making me a better squatter, but at the same time its pissing me off. I want to feel strong with decent weight on the bar. I want to do sets of 5 in new territory for once.
The raw elite squat at 220 is 565. The raw elite squat at 242 is 590. I hit 242 briefly on Sunday, but I'm not sure I could diet down all the way to 220. Either way, I feel miles away from an elite squat in both weight classes right now. I know I keep saying I don't care about numbers, but that is a fucking lie. In the end, its all I really care about.
I see absolutely no point in putting myself through 5x5 workouts every week if I'm not getting consistently stronger and moving towards my goal of elite powerlifting strength. All of this core work, prehab, conditioning, etc I'm doing is still important. I realize that with my build and my current strength, I need to be an all around well developed, well conditioned bad ass to someday hit elite.
So what is my plan? For starters, I'm extending my volume phase by one week. I need more work with this style training session. The only other thing I can think to do is try harder. Put more weight on the bar, and fucking squat it.
Week 3 of Mesocycle, Week 3 of Volume Phase
315x5 @ 7.5
350x5 @ 9.5 (initial)
365x5 @ 10
315x5 @ 8 (15% load drop due to maxed top set)
315x5 @ 8.5
225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 8
275x5 @ 8
295x5 @ 9
295x5 @ 9
Leg Press
1:30 (+0:15)
100m Sprint x 5 at 80%
In my opinion, 5x5 is one of the hardest squat workouts. After trying every rep scheme imaginable, and years of different programs, this is how I feel. Its just hard... especially when the intensity creeps towards your upper threshold. Part of it has to do with muscle fiber type. Slow twitch dominant people will find heavier sets of 5 for sets across more difficult. Part of it also has to do with the accumulated fatigue often associated with 5x5 style training. In any event, I found tonight's squat session particularly difficult.
I probably should have treated 350 as my top set, but I'm starting to get tired of fooling around with this weight. I've been squatting this for years. 365 was as hard as any squat set I can remember. One thing I need to keep in mind is this is all beltless. In the long run I know this will pay off. Its making me a better squatter, but at the same time its pissing me off. I want to feel strong with decent weight on the bar. I want to do sets of 5 in new territory for once.
The raw elite squat at 220 is 565. The raw elite squat at 242 is 590. I hit 242 briefly on Sunday, but I'm not sure I could diet down all the way to 220. Either way, I feel miles away from an elite squat in both weight classes right now. I know I keep saying I don't care about numbers, but that is a fucking lie. In the end, its all I really care about.
I see absolutely no point in putting myself through 5x5 workouts every week if I'm not getting consistently stronger and moving towards my goal of elite powerlifting strength. All of this core work, prehab, conditioning, etc I'm doing is still important. I realize that with my build and my current strength, I need to be an all around well developed, well conditioned bad ass to someday hit elite.
So what is my plan? For starters, I'm extending my volume phase by one week. I need more work with this style training session. The only other thing I can think to do is try harder. Put more weight on the bar, and fucking squat it.
Friday, March 9, 2012
RTS Week 8 - Day 4
2nd Mesocycle
Week 2 Mesocyle, Week 2 Volume Phase
155x5 @ 8 (initial)
165x5 @ 9.5
165x5 @ 9.5
145x5 @ 8.5 (load drop)
145x5 @ 9
BWx6 (+1)
35x6 (+10lb and +1)
25x5 (+25lb)
BWx5 (+5)
Close Grip Incline
3 sets
Farmers Walks
125/125 x 220 yds
Solid session to end the week. OHP was a bit of a struggle due to an extremely sore low/mid back. Everywhere on my body is sore right now actually. Sprints yesterday after deads/fronts did a number on my legs.
Bumped intensity up on OHP and chins. Chins continue to get better as I lose weight.
Farmers walks were crazy. There is a a big U-shaped hallway outside the gym where we always do farmers walks. We call going to the end and back "around the world." The challenge today was to go around the world holding our bodweight. I was 244 this morning. I got the first 110yards without dropping the DB's, but then my grip totally seized up. It was kind of funny actually. My grip is pretty ironclad, but it literally just stopped working haha. It made going back pretty interesting, but that is what makes farmers walks fun.
Week 2 Mesocyle, Week 2 Volume Phase
155x5 @ 8 (initial)
165x5 @ 9.5
165x5 @ 9.5
145x5 @ 8.5 (load drop)
145x5 @ 9
BWx6 (+1)
35x6 (+10lb and +1)
25x5 (+25lb)
BWx5 (+5)
Close Grip Incline
3 sets
Farmers Walks
125/125 x 220 yds
Solid session to end the week. OHP was a bit of a struggle due to an extremely sore low/mid back. Everywhere on my body is sore right now actually. Sprints yesterday after deads/fronts did a number on my legs.
Bumped intensity up on OHP and chins. Chins continue to get better as I lose weight.
Farmers walks were crazy. There is a a big U-shaped hallway outside the gym where we always do farmers walks. We call going to the end and back "around the world." The challenge today was to go around the world holding our bodweight. I was 244 this morning. I got the first 110yards without dropping the DB's, but then my grip totally seized up. It was kind of funny actually. My grip is pretty ironclad, but it literally just stopped working haha. It made going back pretty interesting, but that is what makes farmers walks fun.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
RTS Week 8 - Day 3
2nd Mesocycle
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 of Volume Phase
Deadlift (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
365x5 @ 7
405x5 @ 8.5 (initial)
405x5 @ 9
385x5 @ 9 (load drop, stopped sets due to reaching max fatigue)
Front Squat
155x5 @ 8
185x5 @ 8.5
195x5 @ 10
185x5 @ 9 (load drop)
Bulgarian Split Squat
20 x 5
20 x 5
20 x 5
Russian Twist
400m Run: 1:17
200m Run: 0:34
I'm destroyed. My first time ever doing a 400m run, I qualify as "advanced" according the CF standards. I guess that's a decent starting off point, but I look forward to improving my time. It felt to good to get outside and stretch my legs. I was literally quivering with fatigue afterwords. Both Connor and I noticed our glutes were on fire after the sprints.
I'm slowly making steps towards becoming a badass. Basically, that is my end goal nowadays. Be strong, fast, jacked, and cut.
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 of Volume Phase
Deadlift (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
365x5 @ 7
405x5 @ 8.5 (initial)
405x5 @ 9
385x5 @ 9 (load drop, stopped sets due to reaching max fatigue)
Front Squat
155x5 @ 8
185x5 @ 8.5
195x5 @ 10
185x5 @ 9 (load drop)
Bulgarian Split Squat
20 x 5
20 x 5
20 x 5
Russian Twist
400m Run: 1:17
200m Run: 0:34
I'm destroyed. My first time ever doing a 400m run, I qualify as "advanced" according the CF standards. I guess that's a decent starting off point, but I look forward to improving my time. It felt to good to get outside and stretch my legs. I was literally quivering with fatigue afterwords. Both Connor and I noticed our glutes were on fire after the sprints.
I'm slowly making steps towards becoming a badass. Basically, that is my end goal nowadays. Be strong, fast, jacked, and cut.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Kettlebell Recovery, Core Training, and Conditioning
16kg x 25
16kg x 25
16kg x 20
16kg x 12 (+2)
20kg x 8
16kg x 10
Waiter Walk
20kg x 450meters (+50m)
Feeling gooooood. I'm going to add 25-50 meters to the waiter walk of death until it gets really stupid.
16kg x 25
16kg x 25
16kg x 20
16kg x 12 (+2)
20kg x 8
16kg x 10
Waiter Walk
20kg x 450meters (+50m)
Feeling gooooood. I'm going to add 25-50 meters to the waiter walk of death until it gets really stupid.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
RTS Week 8 - Day 2
2nd Mesocycle
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 of Volume Phase
Bench (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
255x5 @ 7.5
275x5 @ 9 (Initial)
275x3 @ 9.5
255x5 @ 8.5 (Load Drop
255x5 @ 9.5
Bent Row (5x5 @ 8-9 RPE)
225x5 @ 7
225x5 @ 8
225x5 @ 9
205x5 @ 8
205x5 @ 8
BWx11 (+3 total)
50x6; 50x6; 50x6
2 Sets
I was feeling a little emo about bench tonight. 275 is supposed to be my "crush" weight, but I didn't even have 2 sets in me. Its not that I feel particularly weak, its just that performance is dropping quickly. Compared to last week however, things are moving in the right direction. I'll stick with 5x5 next week because I obviously still need to improve work capacity.
I also let the RPE's creep up a little higher with bench. The 5x5 protocol is supposed to be be in the 9-10 range. I want to stay away from failure, but I need to be at 9+ to improve grinding ability, which is one of the goals for this training mesocycle.
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 of Volume Phase
Bench (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
255x5 @ 7.5
275x5 @ 9 (Initial)
275x3 @ 9.5
255x5 @ 8.5 (Load Drop
255x5 @ 9.5
Bent Row (5x5 @ 8-9 RPE)
225x5 @ 7
225x5 @ 8
225x5 @ 9
205x5 @ 8
205x5 @ 8
BWx11 (+3 total)
50x6; 50x6; 50x6
2 Sets
I was feeling a little emo about bench tonight. 275 is supposed to be my "crush" weight, but I didn't even have 2 sets in me. Its not that I feel particularly weak, its just that performance is dropping quickly. Compared to last week however, things are moving in the right direction. I'll stick with 5x5 next week because I obviously still need to improve work capacity.
I also let the RPE's creep up a little higher with bench. The 5x5 protocol is supposed to be be in the 9-10 range. I want to stay away from failure, but I need to be at 9+ to improve grinding ability, which is one of the goals for this training mesocycle.
Monday, March 5, 2012
RTS Week 8 - Day 1
2 Mesocycle
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 Volume Phase
275x5 (High Bar) http://youtu.be/5tqMyVOVrpA
275x5 (Low Bar) http://youtu.be/MIEQudjHht8
275x3 (High Bar) http://youtu.be/T29xHVRzJgI
275x3 (Low Bar) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTZlvZFXYsU
225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 8 (initial)
275x5 @ 8
275x5 @ 9
265x5 @ 9 (load drop)
1000m @ 1:53 split
I'm sick of sore knees so last night I started an intense ankle mobility regimen. Why ankles? Mostly because I constantly work on my hips, and while that seems to help, the problem has not been totally alleviated. Using a combination of Mike Robertson and MobilityWOD stuff, I hammered my ankles 3 times between last night and todays squat session.
I randomly decided to try high bar after about 25 minutes of mobility warmup because I just felt "mobile." Overall, I'm pretty damn pleased with how they look considering 6 months ago my squat had digressed to absolute shit.
I'm kind of indifferent as to whether I like the look of high bar or low bar right now. Low bar feels better for sure after doing it for years, but I like the upright look of the high bar as well. I'm definitely a little deeper on high bar, but low bar is below parallel too. I'm a little hesitant to switch to high bar because its hard to imagine progressing to heavy weight, but I'll worry about that later I guess. Its late so I'm not going to overanalyze right now, but basically the picture below tells me a lot (6 months ago low bar, tonight low bar, tonight high bar).
I still have plenty of work left to do, but I feel like I'm heading in the right direction. This is the most well balanced my program has ever been. Seeing the vids tonight vindicated much of the work I've been putting in. All of the core work, KB, mobility, shoes, and everything seem to be really helping. I really don't give a fuck about weight anymore. That will come eventually. In the mean time, I want to look good and feel healthy in the process.
Week 2 of Mesocycle, Week 2 Volume Phase
275x5 (High Bar) http://youtu.be/5tqMyVOVrpA
275x5 (Low Bar) http://youtu.be/MIEQudjHht8
275x3 (High Bar) http://youtu.be/T29xHVRzJgI
275x3 (Low Bar) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTZlvZFXYsU
225x5 @ 7
275x5 @ 8 (initial)
275x5 @ 8
275x5 @ 9
265x5 @ 9 (load drop)
1000m @ 1:53 split
I'm sick of sore knees so last night I started an intense ankle mobility regimen. Why ankles? Mostly because I constantly work on my hips, and while that seems to help, the problem has not been totally alleviated. Using a combination of Mike Robertson and MobilityWOD stuff, I hammered my ankles 3 times between last night and todays squat session.
I randomly decided to try high bar after about 25 minutes of mobility warmup because I just felt "mobile." Overall, I'm pretty damn pleased with how they look considering 6 months ago my squat had digressed to absolute shit.
I'm kind of indifferent as to whether I like the look of high bar or low bar right now. Low bar feels better for sure after doing it for years, but I like the upright look of the high bar as well. I'm definitely a little deeper on high bar, but low bar is below parallel too. I'm a little hesitant to switch to high bar because its hard to imagine progressing to heavy weight, but I'll worry about that later I guess. Its late so I'm not going to overanalyze right now, but basically the picture below tells me a lot (6 months ago low bar, tonight low bar, tonight high bar).
I still have plenty of work left to do, but I feel like I'm heading in the right direction. This is the most well balanced my program has ever been. Seeing the vids tonight vindicated much of the work I've been putting in. All of the core work, KB, mobility, shoes, and everything seem to be really helping. I really don't give a fuck about weight anymore. That will come eventually. In the mean time, I want to look good and feel healthy in the process.
Friday, March 2, 2012
RTS Week 7 - Day 4
2nd Mesocycle
Week 1 of Mesocycle, Week 1 of Volume Phase
Overhead Press (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
135x5 @ 7
155x5 @ 8 (initial)
155x5 @ 8.5
155x5 @ 9
145x5 @ 9 (load drop)
Close Grip Incline
3 sets
Farmers Walk
70/70 x 50 yds
70/70 x 120 yds
70/70 x 120 yds
70/70 x 50 yds
Solid session to end the week. Overhead felt decent, I just lost steam quickly. Chins are really improving as I lose weight. I have a lot more "pop." I left plenty in the tank today.
I was flyyyyyying on farmers walks. Granted, the weight isn't huge, but DB's are hard and 120 yds is far. I really like longer distances for farmers walks. I just feel they are a better total body exercise. My legs were really burning towards the end. That is something I don't feel with heavier DB's because I can't go as far. Anyways, all of the core and conditioning work clearly manifested itself today. Here is what I do in a normal week:
Monday: Core - 3 sets planks. Conditioning - HIIT sprints on row machine
Wednesday: KB core/conditioning/recovery day. Swings, windmills, waiters walks around the track.
Thursday: Core - Russian Twists/Landmines. Conditioning - multiple rounds of 400m runs, KB swings, chins
Friday - Core/Conditioning: Farmers walks
This setup seems to be a good mix between hypertrophy core work and metabolic conditioning. The key with all of this is balance. I've been drilling into my training partner's head (crossfit junkie), that you must treat conditioning the same way as lifting. You can't destroy yourself everytime. I've built up a solid work capacity from years of higher volume lifting with metcon throw in often enough to understand how they fit together.
I'm going to home depot tonight or tomorrow to check out cheap sled ideas. Adding in the sled 2x a week will be one more layer to all of this.
Week 1 of Mesocycle, Week 1 of Volume Phase
Overhead Press (5x5 @ 9-10 RPE)
135x5 @ 7
155x5 @ 8 (initial)
155x5 @ 8.5
155x5 @ 9
145x5 @ 9 (load drop)
Close Grip Incline
3 sets
Farmers Walk
70/70 x 50 yds
70/70 x 120 yds
70/70 x 120 yds
70/70 x 50 yds
Solid session to end the week. Overhead felt decent, I just lost steam quickly. Chins are really improving as I lose weight. I have a lot more "pop." I left plenty in the tank today.
I was flyyyyyying on farmers walks. Granted, the weight isn't huge, but DB's are hard and 120 yds is far. I really like longer distances for farmers walks. I just feel they are a better total body exercise. My legs were really burning towards the end. That is something I don't feel with heavier DB's because I can't go as far. Anyways, all of the core and conditioning work clearly manifested itself today. Here is what I do in a normal week:
Monday: Core - 3 sets planks. Conditioning - HIIT sprints on row machine
Wednesday: KB core/conditioning/recovery day. Swings, windmills, waiters walks around the track.
Thursday: Core - Russian Twists/Landmines. Conditioning - multiple rounds of 400m runs, KB swings, chins
Friday - Core/Conditioning: Farmers walks
This setup seems to be a good mix between hypertrophy core work and metabolic conditioning. The key with all of this is balance. I've been drilling into my training partner's head (crossfit junkie), that you must treat conditioning the same way as lifting. You can't destroy yourself everytime. I've built up a solid work capacity from years of higher volume lifting with metcon throw in often enough to understand how they fit together.
I'm going to home depot tonight or tomorrow to check out cheap sled ideas. Adding in the sled 2x a week will be one more layer to all of this.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
RTS Week 7 - Day 3
2nd Mesocycle
Week 1 Mesocycle, Week 1 Volume Phase
Deadlift (5x5 at 8-9)
315x5 @ 7
365x5 @ 8 (initial)
365x5 @ 8
365x5 @ 9
345x5 @ 8
Front Squat
145x5 @ 7
185x5 @ 9
185x5 @ 9.5
Split Squat
40x5; 40x5
Russian Twist
90x4; 90x4; 90x4
3 Continuous Rounds of:
400m run
44lb x 25 kb swing
10 pushups
6 chins
-Looooong workout. So, I've been low carb since Monday. I chugged a powerade (35g carb) 15 mins before my workout. I'm fine with lifting semi-depleted. I do it all the time, but I wasn't about to go into a heavy lower body day and then go do H.I.I.T. while fully depleted. Deads/front squats felt great, then I crashed during the piddly stuff towards the end.
-I chugged two more powerades and finished my bcaas before going out to the track. It wasn't enough time to digest the carbs, so the 400m runs were really tough. Still got it all done. Around the beginning of the year I decided I was putting fat loss above all else, including training performance. I think I'm balancing things decently right now. Next Thursday, I'm going to be just as depleted, but I'm going to try eating/drinking 100g of carbs 1 hour before this workout and see how it goes.
-Deads were decent. My hamstrings were still sore today and I hadlittle lower back fatigue, so I load-dropped 5% for the last set.
-Looking forward to finally start moving some decent weight on front squats.
Week 1 Mesocycle, Week 1 Volume Phase
Deadlift (5x5 at 8-9)
315x5 @ 7
365x5 @ 8 (initial)
365x5 @ 8
365x5 @ 9
345x5 @ 8
Front Squat
145x5 @ 7
185x5 @ 9
185x5 @ 9.5
Split Squat
40x5; 40x5
Russian Twist
90x4; 90x4; 90x4
3 Continuous Rounds of:
400m run
44lb x 25 kb swing
10 pushups
6 chins
-Looooong workout. So, I've been low carb since Monday. I chugged a powerade (35g carb) 15 mins before my workout. I'm fine with lifting semi-depleted. I do it all the time, but I wasn't about to go into a heavy lower body day and then go do H.I.I.T. while fully depleted. Deads/front squats felt great, then I crashed during the piddly stuff towards the end.
-I chugged two more powerades and finished my bcaas before going out to the track. It wasn't enough time to digest the carbs, so the 400m runs were really tough. Still got it all done. Around the beginning of the year I decided I was putting fat loss above all else, including training performance. I think I'm balancing things decently right now. Next Thursday, I'm going to be just as depleted, but I'm going to try eating/drinking 100g of carbs 1 hour before this workout and see how it goes.
-Deads were decent. My hamstrings were still sore today and I hadlittle lower back fatigue, so I load-dropped 5% for the last set.
-Looking forward to finally start moving some decent weight on front squats.
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