Saturday, January 5, 2013

Phase 3 Introduction

After an all day long email chain with Gabe last week, I decided to move on to Phase 3.  I'm deviating from the standard progression and moving on to more serious compound lifts.  I feel ready for the most part.  Whereas Phase 1 and 2 were 4-6 weeks, this phase is indefinite until I sort everything out.

Basically, I'll be running linear progression but continuing to focus on postural/movement correction.  The last 10 weeks I've reset my hips into neutral for most movements.  My posture has significantly improved.  And for the first time, I'm actually using my core correctly.  Everything is far from perfect, but I'm anxious to start moving a little weight.  I'm getting soft.

This is the basic setup I'll be using, probably for the next 2 months at least:


Session A
1. Front Squat 5x3
2. Incline BB 3x5
3a. RDL 3x8-15 reps
3b. Chins 3xAMRAP
4a. Abs
4b. External Rotation

Session B
1. Sumo 5x3 or 3x3
2. Press 3x5
3. Unilateral Leg Lift
4. DB Row 3x8-15 reps
5a. BB Curl 3 sets high reps
5b. Close grip bench - 3 sets high reps
6a. Abs
6b. Calves

Off days I'll condition.  KB Stuff, core work, running, sled work, farmers walks, etc.

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