Monday, January 21, 2013

Phase 3 - Days 5, 6, 7

I took a week off from lifting due to a 20 hour drive, birthday, school starting, and everything else.  I actually think I needed it because I was starting to feel beat down.  I'm going to reproduce my last 3 workouts as best I can.

I basically used last week as a re-introduction week.  Thus, my sets/reps aren't completely linear yet.  I always have this mental image of "filling out" a routine.  Basically, when I start a new routine or I am de-conditioned, I don't necessarily go in there and do every set/exercise laid out in the program. I  fill out the routine over the course of a few sessions or a couple weeks.  When I get to  point where I feel adjusted to the new exercises, the split, and the reps/frequency, then I'll do complete workouts and  try to make controlled progress.  I think this is especially important when you have a long time horizon.  I'll be doing this routine for at least 2-3 months.  I'm not completely sure how things will develop from here on out, so there is no rush.

Day 5

1. Front Squat
135x3; 135x3; 135x3; 135x3; 135x3

2. RDL
185x8; 185x8;

3. Incline
185x5; 185x5; 185x5; 135x10

4. DB Row
75x8; 75x8

5a. Pushup
15; 15

5b.  BB Curl
60x15; 60x15

6a.  Deadbugs
8; 8

6b.  Standing Bent Over YTI's
5x4/4/4; 5x4/4/4

Day 6

1. Sumo
365x3; 365x3; 315x5

2a.  Press
115x5; 115x5; 115x5

2b.  90/90 Split Squat
BWx5; BWx5

3. Chins
4; 4; 4

Day 7

1.  Front Squat
165x3; 165x3; 165x3; 135x5; 135x5

2. RDL  (hook grip)
195x8; 195x8; 195x8

3. Incline
190x5; 190x5; 190x5; 135x12

4. DB Row
75x8; 75x8; 75x8

5a. Pushup
16; 16

5b. Curl
60x16; 60x16

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