Sunday, December 29, 2013


1.  Jog/Walk
-1.5 miles
-22 minutes

2.  Squat
135x3 for a bunch of sets

I've squatted the past 3 out of 4 days, and the knees are just mildly sore.  Gabe has been giving me constant feedback, which I'm very thankful for, and he said the above squats look a lot better.  Still a long way to go though.  A long, long way.

 I've watched a shitload of Rippetoe videos and read the forums and all that.  One of the thing I really like about the Rippetoe approach is that its a complete system.  He has well thought out philosophy on the cross-section of kinesiology and strength, and he uses that philosophy to give specific prescriptions that can be applied to anyone, regardless of body type.  Who else has done that?  Answer: no one.  Not a single person has done anything that even approaches Rippetoe's development on strength movements.

 I have no clue whether this squat style will ultimately work out for me.  None.  But what I do know, is, its not been uncommon for me to completely write shit off because of my ego.  I've seen it repeated time and time again in the past couple years.  So fuck it, I'll give it a shot.*

*Disclaimer: scheduled for an MRI, so we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. disclaimer: balls.

    No, but seriously, how many people tell you where to put the bar on your back? How to support it? What grip to take? What stance to take? How much to toe out?

    Everyone else just gives you some BS guidelines and expects you to have a nice squat. Maybe that works for them, but they're a coach. I watch people getting taught to squat everytime I'm in the gym and I want to correct some of the bad things I see, but I keep my mouth shut.
