Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 22

1. RDL
185x5; 185x5; 225x10; 225x5 (50%)

2.  DB Press
85x4; 70x8 (PR); 70x4 (50%)

3. Pendlay Row
185x6; 185x6; 185x6; 185x6

4.  BB Curl
Barx20; Barx20; Barx20

5a.  Suitcase Deadlift
135x4; 135x4; 135x4

5b.  Facepulls
70x20; 70x20; 70x20

5c.  Windmill
53x3; 53x3; 53x3

Solid session.  I'm utilizing the Big-15 for mass day from here on.  So Monday is strength/power utilizing the Strong-15, and Thursday is hyptertrophy utilizing the Big-15.   The Big-15 is essentially this:

40% x 5
50% x 4
60% x 3
75% x 2
85% x 1

70-77% x AMAP + 50% set

The only problem I have with this is DB OH press and RDL aren't really conducive to the overload sets. I'm thinking I may re-arrange this day so that I start with Pendlay rows.  Then I use the Big-15 for Pendlay and DB press, and then do RDL for reps. I like that because the Pendlay were very hard today after pre-exhausting with the RDLs.


  1. Pendlay rows are tough because they stress the same muscles used for deadlifting. I think thats why they help the deadlift a lot, too.

  2. Now that I'm doing them right, I definitely agree. I think the Pendlay Row + RDL in one workout is amazing assistance for the deadlift.
