Monday, July 23, 2012

Feel Good Routine - Day 8

Kettlbell BS
70lbs: windmills, swings, double clean and press, failed attempts at renegade rows... I'm doing something wrong with these.

Pushups x 100lb DB Row
20 x 15/15
20 x 15/15
20 x 15/15

No Belt No Warm-up  Deadlift

Lost patience with some of this conditioning.  Looking back, I should have been a little more structured with this stuff.  But, whatever.  I was just annoyed starting out my session.  The crossfit dudes came from across the alley and took the 70lb KB's over to their facility.  So, I spent 15 minutes trying to find them.  Two points: 1) I guarantee none of them are doing anything remotely worthwhile with the 70's 2) they have no fucking gym etiquette and don't put shit back or unrack their weights.  The other day I witnessed an actual instructor load up bumper plates in the middle of the gym, proceed to do some 115 pound cleans or something retarded like that, and then just leave the bar sitting between two benches.  "I am the center of the world."

Anyways, I was kind annoyed with doing pushups so I just loaded up 405 and pulled it a few times.  Obviously not PR or anything, but I kinda had a feeling it was going to go smoothly.  What does this tell me?  Who knows.  I haven't deadlifted for what 6-8 weeks?  Haven't done anything strength training for 3ish weeks.  It could mean a lot of stuff:  KB's made me stronger, time off helps my deadlift, I just needed an extended break in general, my core is a ton stronger, I was just really pissed off.  At one time I would have otherthought this sort of thing to try to figure it out.  Don't know don't care.  What I DO know is that an extended break focusing on KB shit, farmers walks, sled work, etc is just fine to take a break and will maintain strength pretty well.

I'll probably do this stuff for the rest of the week.  The next two weeks after that I'll have my GF visiting and will be moving.  We like to lift together, etc, but I'm not starting a program during this time.  Probably be another 2-3 weeks of hodge podge stuff before I get back to it.  In the mean time, I've got enough experience to stay active and do the right stuff to maintain.

Update:  also, I'm getting back in the zone with the diet.  I'm at about 85% capacity right now.  Most of the summer has been 70-75%, which is fine considering I'm pretty active.  GF is huge into low carbing, cooking veges, being healthy etc.  It will be a good time for her to be here.  I'll be at work, she is going to lay out at the pool, grocery shop, bring me lunch during the day, and then plan meals at night.  This will be a good kickstart to go back full throttle.  I'll have more to say about this later, but I've effectively reset my body set-point.  Time to bring it down another notch.

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