Saturday, July 28, 2012

Feel Good Routine - Day 11 and 12

Friday 7/27/12

70lb KB Swing x Push-ups x Chins
20 / 20 / 5
20 / 20 / 5
20 / 20 / 5
20 / 20 / 5

Saturday 7/28/105

Litvinov Sprints
70lb KB Swing x 115lb sled sprint
6 rounds:  8 Swings x 40 Yards

Waiter Walks
3 Rounds:
70lb x 40/40 yards

Amanda is in town so I've been introducing her to kettlebell work and showing her how to properly condition.  My basic approach to teaching someone interval conditioning work is to do the exact opposite of whatever I think crossfit would do.  I mean that in all seriousness.  Lately, I've been writing a lot about performing conditioning work at a 7-8 intensity level.  This is all that is needed for a beginner as well.  You don't need to get someone sore as fuck the first time they do something so they believe its effective.

I'll leave that sort of thing to pussy trainers.  And they are pussies.  One of my biggest pet peeves, and something that just really pisses me off, is when trainers put people through intense grueling workouts on their first session.  What the fuck is that.  ANYONE can make another person sore.  Whoopdy fucking do.  Why would someone do that?  Because they lack confidence.  They feel they need to show the person they are an expert.  Because look at how sore you get from working hard with me.  That is a total lack of confidence in their ability to: 1) get through to people; and 2) create adaptation without killing someone.  As such, trainers that give 40 year old woman crippling soreness are huge fucking pussies.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be teaching Amanda how to construct a conditioning session, or a training session in general.  There is more to all of this than plug and chug if you are in it for the long haul.  One of Dan John's great nuggets, and something I think a lot of people should pay attention to, is the breakdown of the 5 basic human movements:

  1. Squat
  2. Hinge
  3. Push
  4. Pull 
  5. Loaded Carry
I would also actually add "run" onto that list.  Nonetheless, I've found that to construct a solid conditioning session, just pick 2-3 movements in that list and do them for high reps at a brisk pace. If you looked back over the past 3 weeks, you'd find almost all of my conditioning sessions are done in this fashion.

For example, yesterday we did a swing (hinge) a pushup (push) and a chin (pull).  Today we did a swing (hinge) sled sprint (run) and waiter walk (loaded carry).  Setting up conditioning sessions in this fashion is a fantastic way to keep your entire body strong and well oiled.  It also guarantees you won't be neglecting any body part.

Without further adieu, I have some pics from today's rooftop conditioning session.  I actually had no idea Amanda was snapping pics of me throughout the entire session, but since I got them now, might as well post them up.  I do not appear to have gotten any smaller from not lifting weights the past 3 weeks.  

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