Friday, November 18, 2011

Sheiko Week 1 Day 3

135x8; 185x4; 205x3; 240x3; 255x3; 275x2; 275x2; 290x1; 290x1; 275x6 (rage filled paused reps)

225x5; 275x3; 315x3; 3x335; 3x335; 3x335; 3x335

YTI's on Incline
5x10/10/10; 5x10/10/10; 5x10/10/10

Leg Press
300x12; 300x12; 300x18

DB Curls (actually squeezing at the top)
35x10; 35x10

Seated DB Press
55x10; 55x10

50x10; 50x10

-Bench felt great, squat was a struggle.  Week 1 took a toll on my lower back.  I really had to grind through the reps.

-I was supposed to reverse pyramid all the way back down on bench... I have a workout partner now (doing a modified starting strength), so I'm not going to make him sit there are watch me do 5+ more sets.  I ended with a more challenging 275 set.


  1. too sore for a KB workout Thur? or how are you implementing those?

    also, I'm going to see if the guy who was squatting last week same day I was what his plan is after his meet today and see if possibly he would be interested in training together

  2. Soreness and not enough time on thurs. I'd like to do sheiko m/w/f and the kb in between on tues/thurs. The KB is awesome for getting the blood flowing.

    Yea man that is a good idea on the workout partner. I'm getting through sheiko workouts in 60-70 mins because we don't bullshit. I loved having a training partner back in NH. It just makes everything more fun (and more intense).
