Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 3rd - Day 21

LIFT 2x5 Day
315x5; 315x5

Front Squat
135x5; 135x5

225x5; 225x5

Pullups supersetted w/ Dips
6; 6
12; 12

Farmers Walks
105/105 x 35yards;  105/105 x 60yards;  105/105 x 35yards

-lost a little pop due to inconsistency.
-front squats are finally feeling a little easier 
-Farmers walks with dumbbells are a lot harder than specific handles made to be carried.


  1. did you really post this at 6:29 AM? that's probably why you are a morning crank who enjoys kicking out people who care about you.

  2. i still need to watch you TRAIN so i can give you my feedback

  3. I didn't kick you out. I encouraged you to leave.

  4. lol @ response

    If you don't mind constructive feedback, when you do farmers walks, try to remember to stay tall, and pull your lats back, and keep your chest up (all w/o hyperextending your back). think about locking in your core and pushing out as you would brace for any other heavy lift

    obv last time you were doing more than me, but just something minor I noticed

  5. Definitely don't mind feedback... Thanks I will do that for sure. My farmer's walk mental cues include "pick up weight" and "walk." I probably have a tendency to hunch over a little, so your tips will work well to get me straight.
