Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lift, Run, Range

405x1x2x3x1x2x1 (9 reps)

Seated MP
155x1x2x3x1x2x3 (12 reps)

CG Incline supersetted w/ Pullups
185x8; 185x8; 185x8 (24 reps)
7;7;7 (21)

-Second deadlift session in 5 days... form felt like it started to break down a little.  Per the Power Ladder protocol, I stopped when I felt the weight begin to grind.
-Normally I would have powered through this, but I walked away feeling like I'll be fine for my next workout. I'll easily add more reps next time.

2.5 mile job
~24 minutes
6 diagonal hills total
-This is a tough workout mixing the hills in with a continuous jog.  
-I'm really starting to see the conditioning pay off both in gym performance and body fat.

1 large bucket
~135 balls
-basically could not hit a golf ball tonight.
-sent a video to my Dad, and realized my swing if faster than Nick Price right now.  I need to start updating my golf stuff more.

Nick Price swing (not what I personally want):

Ernie Els Swing (this is what I want):

My swing from last night
-Tempo too fast
-Not completing my back swing.


  1. I think pics or measurements are in order to keep yourself accountable in your quest for hawt abz
