Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hill Sprints Goal Reached

Long hill x 10 sprints

-I started this summer barely able to do 3 full hill sprints at a 90% level.  My goal was 10 sprints by the end of the summer.  Today I reached my goal.  Obviously its just running up a hill, but I am happy because this is the most consistent I have ever been with H.I.I.T. conditioning.

- My plan is simple - just add 1 sprint to my sessions each week.  Frequency has varied from 1x-5x a week, however I always just go up one sprint per week.  This makes incredibly easy to track my progress.  It also takes out the possibility of slacking if I don't feel like pushing it.  Just have to do one more than last week.

What am I Going to Do Now?
Keep doing more hill sprints of course.  My new goal is 20 sprints.  This is the best form of H.I.I.T. conditioning I have done outside of the prowler.  I am going to give a "review" of hill sprints after my Friday session.

The big ass hill I run every week.  Those big ass cranes sitting on top give good perspective on the size of the hill.

1 comment:

  1. Nice.. keep it up, as it feels great being conditioned, and sucks getting it back
