Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 46


1.  Savickus Press
95x5; 115x5; 135x5; 155x3; 175x1

2.  BTB Shrugs
225x8; 315x5; 315x5; 225x8

3.  Decline Leg Drops
6; 6

4.  3 Month Position Pullover
30x8; 40x8; 50x6

Went to the gym to do some light core stuff and saw my old training partner there.  He was doing some shoulder stuff so I joined him.  Savickus press is sitting on the floor with the pins set at chest level. It completely takes out the leg drive and stabilization.  But, I found it to be extremely anterior core intensive.  It was a really nice variation I think I'll implement in the future.  There is no way I would have been able to hit 175 on this a couple months ago.  Felt god.

Hopefully this stuff doesn't mess with my deload too much haha.  Oh well.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 45



1.  RDL
225x5; 225x5; 135x10

2.  45 Deg Bent Row
135x10; 135x10; 135x10

3.  Seated DB OH Press
60x11 (PR, +1); 60x5; 50x10

4a.  Bench
135x31 (PR); 135x15

4b.  KB Row
53x10; 53x10

4c. KB Windmill
53x3; 53x2

5a.  Cable Curl
30 reps

Went easy on the RDL's and dropped Pendlay's to give my lower back a break this session.

Even though I'm deloading, I decided to go for some high rep PR's.  I don't think it will impact recovery.  Previous 135 bench PR was 30 reps, which was during Big Beyond Belief last October.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 44



1.  Hang Clean and Jerk
185x1; 185x1; 205x1

2.  Deadlift
315x3; 315x3; 315x3; 315x3; 315x3

3.  BTN Press
135x5; 135x5; 135x5

4.  Chins
BWx5; 45x3; BWx5

5a. Bench
135x15; 135x15

5b.  DB Row
75x8; 75x8

6a.  3 Month Position Pullover
45x8; 45x8; 45x8 (+5 lbs)

6b.  Decline Leg Drop
8; 8; 8 (+1 set)

6c.  DB Row to External Rotation/YTI's

Looks like more than it really was.  Deadlift is the only thing  I really need to deload from since I'm only lifting 2x  a week for the most part. I went in today up in the air whether I would deload at all.  I decided to just see how the bar was moving before I made a decision.  The bar didn't have much pop, so I kept it light.

I'm starting to feel a little soft from the less frequent lifting.  Thats to be expected and doesn't bother me too much, but I'll probably throw in a little more pump work here and there.  I particularly like pump work on deloads.  Low impact, and I do movements I haven't been doing to get some blood flow and give my joints a break.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 43


Clean and Jerks to warm-up

1.  Pendlay Row
225x5 (PR); 225x5; 135x14(PR)

2. RDL
275x8 (PR); 225x4 (50% set)

3. Seated DB Press
60x7; 60x10 (PR); 60x7

4a. Suitcase Deadlift
135x4; 135x3

4b. Facepulls
12; 12

5.  Strict BB Curl
65x12; 65x12

Solid night to end this 5 week training cycle.  Part of me just wants to keep going because  I'm finally hitting some PR's, but I think I need a break.  I can't lift tomorrow so I went in tonight with one less day of recovery.  The bar isn't moving with as much pop as it has been, although the movements still feel solid as hell.

I feel great about the Pendlay progress.  185x5 was pretty damn tough for me a few weeks back.  I was diligent about just expanding my volume, grooving the movement a bit, and it seemed to pay off.  225 is not a big deal, but I have zero upward movement on these reps.

Seated DB Press has consistently improved. Due to my knee injury, the point of this was to improve all things pull and overhead presses.  I feel good about both right now.

I'm not exactly sure how I'll approach this deload, and whether I'm going to do a mini peak for some heavier deadlifts.  I'm itching to pull 5 plates for some reps, but its probably premature. I'm thinking at this point I'll do another 4-5 week cycle with these movements.  This is what I SHOULD do anyways.  Just keep building a solid base, and then maybe hit something worth talking about.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 42

Strength and Power

1. Clean and Jerk
185x1; 185x1; 185x1

2.  Deadlift
315x2; 365x2; 405x1; 455x1(95%); 405x3 (90%)

3. BTN Press
135x2; 155x2; 165x1; 170x1 (93%); 115x12 (-3)

4.  Chins
BWx5; 45x3; 70x2.5 (again); BWx5

5.  3 Month Position Pullover
40x8; 40x8; 40x8 (+5 lbs)

6a.  Decline Leg Drop
7; 7 (+1)

6b.  Prone Row to external Rotation
2 sets

Decent session.  I knew going in I was just going to do the prescribed reps and keep everything moderate.  I was very sore from Fridays session.  Not only did I do a bunch of fatiguing high rep sets, but I also had one less day to rest than normal (gym closed on the 4th).

Additionally, I'm just starting to feel a little beat up.  I'm only lifting 2x a week, but its week 5 of progressively heavier lift.  Also, I'm still running, golfing, etc 7 out of 7 days a week.

Which brings up a recent decision.  No Tough Mudder.  Its too much.  I cant lift, try to get better at golf, train for a 12 mile race, and also study for the bar.  It was just stressing me out and making me feel like shit since I was only running 2x a week and squeezing in some other half assed cardio here and there.  I'm a little sad I won't get the benefit of all the aerobics, but whatever.  You have to make decisions about what is important.  Also, 5-6 mile walks with a bag on your back multiple times per week certainly doesn't hurt your  aerobic base.  Yes, its very low intensity, but the heartrate is still elevated.

I'm probably going to stop logging the golf stuff. I dunno.  If I'm not lifting during the week, I'm golfing.

Edit:  About the lifts.  455 didn't feel heavy but it was choppy. Same with 170 on BTN press.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 41


1.  Pendlay Row
205x2; 225x2; 185x10; 185x10; 185x10 (+2 reps, PR) (doubled workload)

2.  RDL
225x20 (+6, PR); 225x6 (50% set)

3.  DB Press
65x6; 65x6; 65x6

4.  Strict Curl
65x11; 65x11 (+1)

5a.  Suitcase deadlift
135x3; 135x3

5b. Facepull
75x20; 75x20

Decided I wanted to move the hell on from the weights I've been using for a while.  Even though I've been using very moderate weight with RDL's and Pendlay's, I've been treating them as a main movement.  My thought on it is this:  these are probably the two most important barbell assistance exercises for my upper and lower body.  I want my reps and form to be perfect.  After this session, I believe I've patterned the movements well by staying super strict with high reps.

Pendlays were hard as fuck for 10 reps. Just very fatiguing on my posterior to stay down in that position.

RDL's I was just bobbing back and forth hinging like a mofo.  Smoothest hinge I've ever felt.  Its funny because yesterday I did some very basic hinge patterning with the KB, and then today it just felt so natural.  I'm moving the fuck on from 225 now on the RDL's as well.    I've been diligently using 185, 205, 225ish weight on these for months.  I feel solid, so I'm going to load them and see how it goes.  With my current routine, I see no downside to loading these movements as long as I'm getting quality reps.

Day 40

-Shot 86 in the morning


5 Rounds:

1a.  Waiter Walks
20kg down 40 yards with right, back 40 yards with left

1b.  RDL Hinge Patterning
16kg x 10

2.  One Arm Farmers Walk
32kg down 35 yards with right, back 40 yards with left

Fun 4th of July.  I spent almost the entire thing outside sweating my ass off.  Humidity was insane. Unfortunately, the golf was terrible.  Absolutely terrible.  My work on the range is not transfering into good swings on the course. I need to think about this and get more organized like I am with lifting.

Conditioning was fun.  I used this as an introductory day to show Matt how I do loaded carries.  I'm writing a 2 month routine for him that addresses movement issues and all of that. I'll post more of it up later.

Day 39

-Half a bucket at the range working on driver.
-Six over for 9 holes

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 38

1.  62 short shots w/ PW and LW
2.  Half a bucket of drives
-Raining the entire time, but I managed a decent practice session.


1. 2 Mile Jog
-23 minutes

2a.  Medium Stance Hypers
15; 15; 15

2b.  CG Incline
135x10; 135x10; 135x10

2c.  DB Curl
35x8; 35x8; 35x8

3. 1/4 Mile Sprint

Nice range day and a quick little conditioning sesh right after.  I try not to let the rain bother me, because I feel its a competitive advantage if I'm playing against someone in poor conditions.  Nice pump after the jog.  I like throwing in quick "small" sessions here and there.  No need to program, just stretch and pump stuff to feel good.  Sprinted home from the YMCA because it was pouring out.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 37

1.  Hang Clean
135x3; 185x2; 205x1; 205x1; 225x1; 235x1 (PR +10 lbs)

2. Deadlift
315x3; 365x2; 405x1; 435x4; 375x3; 375x8

3.  BTN Press
135x2; 145x2; 155x2; 160x1; 160x1; 160x1; 115x15 (PR, +1 rep)

4.  Chins
BWx5; 45x1; 45x2; 45x3; 70x2.5

5. 3 Month Position Pullover
35x8; 35x8; 35x8 (+5 lbs)

6a. Decline Leg Raise
6; 6

6b.  YTI's

This session exceeded last Monday's.  Felt good.  Hang clean PR, press PR, and solid pulls.

Hang Clean PR. A little ugly, but got it.  I'm probably going to stop going for heavy singles with these for the rest of the summer.  Its borderline dangerous without bumpers.  I know some people would have no trouble tossing that weight around, but it hurts my joints to have to lower it, etc.

BTN rep PR.  This one was hard as fuuuuck.  I really don't know if I'll be able to get to 20 with this current rep scheme.  I need more moderate rep work.

Deadlifts. Went off the plan a little. I was supposed to only pull 435 for a single, but it just felt so good to be pulling with vigor again. Same with 365.  I'll try to stick to the routine next week.

Spine stuff.  Matt watched me for both deads and BTN presses.  Deads I rounded on 435 for reps 3 and 4 but looked neutral for the first two reps.  No big surprise and to be expected when I'm doing extra reps early in my foray back into deadlifting.  BTN Presses, no back extension, even as I was repping my guts out on 115.  Under high fatigue, I'm using my core correctly. Woot.