Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday, June 28th

Pullups 5x6 (30 total) supersetted w/ Dips 3x15; 14; 10 (69 total)

Standing Calf 180x3x14 supersetted w/  Abs Ball Roll-Outs 3x13 supersetted w/ Rotator Cuff stuff 7.5x3x10 and more Rotator Cuff Stuff

-Decided from here on out I'm switching pull-up grips on every set.  I had been doing traditional overhand grip on all sets because I thought they were "better for me."  I can do way more reps with other grips, and I think by getting better with the other grips it will help my overhand pull-ups anyways.

-I have also decided I am no longer doing anything that doesn't feel good on my joints because some strength training author and their e-army followers think its the legit way to do things.

For that reason I'll be using straps on all bent barbell rows from here on out. I have kickass grip strength and have never failed any deadlift or other lift because of my grip.  Overhand BB rows hurt my bicep tendons.  It makes them feel like shit.  Straps take a ton of pressure off my biceps....and let me lift more weight, which is the whole point. 

Doing regular pullups today with my hands in the same stretched position as the overhand BB rows absolutely killed my bicep tendons.  They hurt in a bad way - and I know the difference.  I won't use straps for pullups, but this is another reason I'm varying the grip.  Is appeasing the imaginary strength Gods worth developing bicep tendonitis?  Fuck no.  I'm going to start loosely wrapping my knees too.  It feels better and I really don't give a shit.

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