Friday, June 29, 2012

Record Breaking Heat: Lets Condition Outside

It was 104 degrees out, which apparently broke the all time record in DC.  By the time I got to the gym, it had dropped to a cool 101, with a heat index of 110.  So, I thought to myself, why not go on the roof and do some intense conditioning to end the week? Haha.

Low Bar Sled Pushes
20 yards x 8

Sledgehammer Swings
20 left/20 right
20 left/20 right
20 left/20 right

KB Snatch 5 Minute Challenge
44lb x 68... lasted maybe 4:30.
(done in 10/10, 8/8, 6/6, 4/4, 3/3, 3/3 fashion)

Banded Face Pulls
3 sets of 15


I can't remember that the last time I've sweat that much. It was completely pouring off my body.  It felt fucking awesome.  The sleds on the roof are kinda funky and only have a low bar handle. They are smooth enough on the turf.  They will have a similar effect as the prowler.

Dan John gave me the idea for the descending ladders on the 5 Minute KB challenge.  Eventually I want to get to 20/20, 15/15, 10/10, 5/5.  Also, I need to actually use the 53 for this.

I was really surprised at how winded the sledghammer got me.  Will definitely be doing this more.

This was a fun and challenging conditioning session.  Push a sled. Pound a sledghammer.  Swing a cannonball.  My kind of cardio.

Strength Day


Paused Squats

Overhead supersetted w/ Weighted Chins
185x2; 135x5; 135x5
45x3; 45x4; BWx5

Had 30 minutes last night... definitely wasn't going to do high volume.  I left feeling it was a disaster of a workout.

Had a talk with Matt last night.  We both agreed doing volume when  you have limited time is probably dumb.  I'm going to stick with my plan for 2 more weeks.  If anything else I'll build a great base to move into some intensity lifting.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Small Workout and Fast Run




supersetted w/


Fartlek Style
2.05 Miles
~2.5 min slow run (not jog)
~1 min fast run

-Entire workout took 30 minutes.  Thats all I wanted.  Overall I'm pleased with the improvement in the speed of my runs.  I'm not sure I'm going to do a half anymore.  I'd rather run 3 miles fast, than 13.1 really slow.  I'll never be able to run 13 miles fast, it would always be more about the distance.  We'll see.  If I keep up with the longer runs on the weekend I might be fine.  I skipped last weekend, but this weekend I'll try to hit 6-7 miles on Saturday.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Strength Day


Paused Squats
315x3 (27 reps)

Overhead supersetted w/ chins
135x3 (33 reps)

Kind of a grinder tonight.  I'm gonna fucking push it the next couple of weeks.  I will say I started to get a taste of the full body beat down tonight. I've only been lifting 2x a week for a while now, but I haven't had a deload in months really.  But, overall I still have good pop.

Goal is to hit 50 reps each in squats/overhead at 315/135 before moving on.  There is zero thought behind this other than "It would be cool to squat 315 for 50 reps in one workout."  Hopefully I'll hit this within 3 weeks.  I'd like to hit it "naturally," i.e. just getting better at the lifts, rather than deciding to just do it one day and blow my guts out.  Once I hit these goals, I will switch things up a  little.  Still squat twice a week, but maybe switch out overhead and chins for bent rows and dips.  I dunno.

I'm doing chins extremely explosively now.  Not high reps, but complete deadhang for 1-3 seconds, then slam my chest to the bar.  3-6 reps.  BW or weighted, whatever feels better that night. I switch grips every set.  Tonight for instance I went from relatively wide overhand to hands touching underhand.  Just feels healthier to switch it up.  I'm not really tracking them, so who cares.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Strength Day

6/22/12 - Friday Night

Paused Squats
315x5 (20 total reps)

Overhead Press
135x6 (30 total reps)


Girlfriend is in town.  She squatted and pressed with me.  It was a ton of fun.  She started with the bar on squats and is now up to 105 pounds.  With overhead she couldn't even do the bar once, so we started with DB overhead.  Now she is up to bar x 5-6 for multiple sets.  She loves barbell lifting.

I've introduced pure barbell lifting now to a number of people.  Everyone that starts barbell lifting correctly soon recognizes the superiority of this form of exercise.  Amanda, a former beauty pageant girl that did endless hours of cardio, now squats three times a week.  It is completely her choice to exercise like this.  I always said I just wanted to teach her the right way to do this so she would always have something to fall back on.  Precision, focus, drive, confidence, and a hard body.  Pure barbell lifting develops all of these qualities.

Jim Wendler recently wrote how it took him years to really learn what focus is in the gym. If you watch any true veteran of strength training, you will learn what focus really means.  It is not just getting psyched up for a lift.  Anyone can do that.  Focus is the few moments before the lifter approaches the bar, and of course, precision while performing the lift.  Focus has a different look that only comes from years under the bar.

I say all of this knowing the above workout means nothing in the grand spectrum of the strength training.  Its not about that anymore.  At least not right now.  There will be periods where life allows me to lift 4x a week and focus on getting stronger.  I'm performing three lifts twice a week right now.  Why?  No matter what I'm doing, I want to get better.  That is what makes strength training fun for me.

I've been able to do the above workout for years.  But, last night I lifted the bar with more proficiency than I ever have.  Regardless of the weight on the bar, I'm getting better.  That is the whole point.  You can't be on a constant track to hit PR's every 4th week of your life.  I wouldn't even want a life like that. Then, lifting would have to be the center of everything.  That's kind of fucking gay.

I believe, no matter what you are doing in life, you should strive to get better.  Getting better doesn't mean being the best.  Getting better doesn't have to mean adding 5 pounds on the bar every week.  That is the end  goal of course, but in the mean time you can still improve.  When you teach yourself to perform with precision, and when your focus improves over the years, regardless of bar weight, the times you can attack PR's will be much more fruitful.

So, what I'm saying is I'm not just going in and punching a card right now.  Just because I'm not implementing wave periodization or RPE does not mean I'm not trying hard.  The weights listed on this page says nothing about my mentality in the gym.  When I come out of this twice a week training phase, I will be a better lifter.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Small Workout and Run

6/20/12 (Both)

Small Workout
Facepulls supersetted w/ BW hangs

Seated DB Curls supersetted w/ Low Incline Fly


Run - Fartleks
-2.25 Miles
-didn't keep track of heartrate or time
-Used Adele for my intervals. Jogged the verses, ran/sprinted the chorus.

-93 and humid as fuck while I was running.  D.C. literally sits on a swamp.  Not only is it humid, but the air is stagnant.  You can feel the cloud of moisture as you run through it.  It definitely makes breathing more difficult.  Nonetheless, it felt fucking awesome to be completely dripped in sweat as I ran.  It was like a steam room.  Felt great.

-High reps are HARD.  Seriously, we all know bodybuilders are pussies, but they probably work out harder than anyone.  Even these small ass workouts w/ really high reps force me to concentrate.  The puuuuuump.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week Update: Strength Training and Runs

Wednesday 6/13
2.25 Mile Run
-Fast Pace
-8:20 min/mi

Friday 6/15
Full Body Strength
Squat: 315x3; 365x2
Deadlift: 315x5; 365x5; 415x5
Chins: BWx6; 35x3; 53x3; 75x3
-Lifted with my little sister Kristy.  Was helping her more than anything and just doing random shit.
-She started lifting in January and is up to a legit 185lb squat and 200+ deadlift.

Saturday 6/16
Long Run
-6 miles
-no idea on pace.
-ran with my sister and we stopped to see monuments and all that.  It was a lot of fun.

Monday 6/18
Full Body Strength (Start of new template)
Squat: 315x2; 315x3; 315x4; 315x2; 315x3; 315x2 (16 reps)
OHP: 135x2; 135x3; 135x4; 135x2; 135x3; 135x4; 135x2; 135x3; 135x4 (27 reps)
Chins: BWx3; BWx4; 52x3; 52x3; 52x4
Facepulls/YTI's: lots of reps

5 Minute KB Challenge
-double 53lb KB clean
-51 reps... stopped around 4:30
-Goal by the end of the summer is 100 reps in 5 minutes. Also want to do the snatch 100 reps in 5 minutes.
-This gives me a firm approach to metabolic conditioning, and gives me something to get better at.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Small Workout 6/12/12


DB Curls

-Taking cues from Paul Carter at Lift-Run-Bang and focusing on working the actual muscle with these small workouts.  The point is to get a pump, get the blood flowing and feel good.

-Goal tonight was just hit 75 reps with each exercise.  I like 75 reps.  Get a massive pump and burns like a mother fucker.  Even with these dinky exercises, its refreshingly hard in its own way.  My biceps were ready to explode.  Felt good mang.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Full Body Strength Day 6/07/12



Chins... very dead hang


Double 53kb Clean and Press
53/53 x 8
53/52 x 8... left

I had zero desire or drive to lift tonight.  I need a better plan.  The only problem is I really don't know what I want to do right now.

There are a lot of things I "need" to start doing better.  I need to get back on the diet train (not bad, but need to get strict so I can start losing again).  I need to drink less. I need to have some sort of organized plan in the gym. Etc, etc, etc.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lawyers Have Heart 10K Run

My first 10k is complete!  

10k (6.2 Miles) in 1:01:12
9:51 pace.

I didn't seriously prepare for this race.  I just started running again 2 weeks ago.  Literally the day after I ran for the first time, a lady in my office approached me about joining the law firm team for the annual Lawyers Have Heart 10k.  At first I hestitated, but then I was like screw it.  Sure.

There was a time when I wouldn't have considered participating in something like this unless I was "ready."  But, who really cares.  Its just running for an hour.  Its a fun, healthy activity that you get to do with other people that lead active lifestyles.

I think running is the best form of exercise next to lifting. I've always felt a physically well-rounded human being should be strong in the main barbell lifts, should be able to sprint with proficiency, and should be able to bang out a few mile run without killing themselves.  That is fitness in its most basic form.  It has nothing to do with gym goals, what is the most "legit form" of training or any of that bullshit.  If you consider yourself in shape, you should be able to continuously run 3-5 miles

There were 3362 runners in this race.  It felt like a lot of people, but then again I've never really run in a big race before.  I was really rushed when I got there.  It took me a lot longer to get there than I planned (its 3 miles away, but it takes forever to drive anywhere in DC), and then all of the parking garages were full.

I got to the start line 4 minutes before the gun went off.  Did some bullshit stretching, tightened my laces, and then basically just started running.

Within 20 seconds of passing the start line, some girl cut in front of me, clipped my foot, and I fucking went face first into the pavement.  I mean I went down hard, lol.  I was like fuuuck. So I got up, tied my shoe, and started running.  About a minute later I found out my stride sensor had come off in the fall.  That sucked because I couldn't pace myself as well, nor could I get detailed distances. 

"At least I still have Adele" I thought to myself.

I fired up my new ipod nano that has exactly one album on it: Adele's 21. I fucking love working out to Adele.  Heavy squats, long distance running, you name it.  Adele carries me the whole way.

Not so fast.

The nano was dead.  So, after being at the race for 5 minutes, I'd barely stretched, I'd lost my stride sensor (part of a $120 heartrate monitor system), and my nano was dead.  Also, in my rush I accidentally brought all my keys with me in my pocket so those mother fuckers were clacking like nothing else.  The negative talk rushed into my head.  "Why the fuck am I doing this?  Fuck this!  I'm gonna walk, screw these people!"  

"I don't even like running!"

I realized I was going to be doing this for the next 60 minutes no matter what, so I needed to calm the fuck down and try to enjoy myself.  I started taking big long breaths in through my nose.  This forced me to even my pace out a little and I calmed down.

The run itself was fine.  I hit the halfway point at exactly 30 minutes, so I was on pace to finish under my goal time of 60 minutes.  I never felt tired or felt like I couldn't do it.  The cool thing about running is that as long as you maintain a moderate heartrate, you can do it much longer than you think.  I was around 153 for the first 45 minutes, and 173 for the last 15 when I increased speed.  Average for the race is 159.  That is decent for me for a 1 hour run.

The last half mile I really turned it up to finish strong.  The best part?  50 yards out from the finish line I hear "Stride Sensor Found."  The Pacer device of my miCoach had been searching for my lost stride sensor the whole time.  When I ran buy it at the finish it picked up the signal lol.  I was able to find it on the side of the track after I finished.  That made me laugh.

So I finished in 1:01:12. Slightly off my goal time.  Looking back, had I not fallen or stopped to piss in the bushes I probably would have made it under 60.

I did hit my goal pace.  I wanted to run under a 10 minute mile.  I ran 9:51, so I accomplished that.  Overall, I'm satisfied with my first 10k.  This obviously leaves a ton of room for improvement, which I'm excited about.

Moving Forward
Whats next?  More running.  I'm 90% sure I am going to start training for a half marathon.  Its just something I want to do.  I have no aspirational goals of becoming an awesome runner.  To do that, I would need to get small and weak.  No thanks.

There are two things I need to do to become a better runner and stay/get strong.  Improve aerobic capacity, and lose bodyfat.  The first is done primarily by running (duh).  Running helps the second one, but obviously diet is key.  Through the combination of increased aerobics and dieting I want to get well below 10% bodyfat. 

I'm still going to strength train, it just isn't my number one priority.  Running isn't either.  Job is #1. As far as fitness, I won't say running or strength training is going to be number one.  I'm going to give them both 50%. I've had schedules where I've run 2-3 times per week for decent distances, and also strength trained 3-4 times per week. Its doable.  The nice thing about running is that I suck so much it doesn't take a whole lot to get better.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Full Body Strength Day - 6/07/12

1.5 Mile Run
Didn't have my heartrate monitor on, but I kept this extremely light.  10k is Saturday at 7:30 a.m., so I basically treated this day like I would a few days before a meet.  Get the blood flowing, stay loose, and thats it.

Strength - 3 Rounds (superset)
Deadlift: 365x8; 365x8; 365x8
Press: 155x6; 155x6; 155x6
Chin: 53x3; 53x3; 53x2.5


Long ass day today.  I was tired, and pressed for time.  I decided to just do a full body circuit to get some work in and get out of there.  I also wanted to keep it relatively light since I have the 10k on Saturday morning. If I had trained longer for the 10k, I may not have lifted tonight.  But, considering I randomly decided to do this run, I'm not going to totally sacrifice my lifting.

Tonight was fun for a change of pace.  My chinning strength has absolutely plummetted.  Kinda pisses me off.  Probably can't expect much since I barely lift now, but I'm starting to get the itch to ramp up the intensity, or at least have a better plan.  I don't know.  I change my mind daily. Chin strength also doesn't respond well to getting fatter.  I'm about to go back into ultra strict mode.  Its just a constant influx of traveling and social stuff with the firm taking me out, being in a new city, etc.  Tough to make friends and have fun if you are eating low carb and not drinking alcohol.  I'll post up a more definitive plan soon.

Long Run - 5/05/12

Long Run

Miles: 5.04
Minutes: 51:10 (10:10 min/mi)
Avg HR: 142 bpm
Peak HR: 165 bpm
Calories: 705

I wanted to get in one decently long run before the 10k (6.2 miles) on Saturday.  I have no doubt I'll be able to finish the 10k without walking at all.  My goal is to run the whole thing and finish in under 60 minutes, which will put me at a sub 10 minute mile.

What I am really happiest about is my heart rate stayed relatively low during a run that is relatively long for me. 142 bpm is about 72% of my max hr.  That is a solid "mileage."   As I continue to run, I'd like to get it down into the 65% range for my bread and butter runs.  Running shares a lot of similarities to lifting.  The scale of intensity is different, but the 65% sessions in running are akin to 80% sessions in lifting.  You are getting work in, building your base, not killing yourself, and leaving yourself with the ability to recover and go at strong next time.

I'm really enjoying getting back into running.  It is really the only tolerable form of cardio for me.  DC is a great city for it as well.  Literally every block has some sort of important building, whether it be a national museum, a monument, or an embassy.  The only downside is its almost all sidewalks and pavement.  That is really hard on your joints after a while, especially for a huge fatass such as myself.

Full Body Strength Day - 6/04/12



Bent Row

Glute Ham Raise (with 100% correct form for the first time)


Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
53/53 x 12
53/53 x 12
53/53 x 12

Pretty happy with the squat form overall.  I'm clearly way below parallel, especially on the second rep.  This weight is obviously way off where I have been through the years, but I'm fine with that right now.  I feel healthy and well put together right now overall.

Double kettlebell clean and press = fucking awesome.

Video shows I'm statring to get flabby.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kansas City Lift and Run




Clean and Press supersetted w/ Chins supersetted w/ Dips
115x8; 115x8; 115x8
6; 6; 6
8; 8; 8


3.47 Mile Run
30:55 minutes (8:56 min/mi)
155 Avg. Heartrate

I was in Kansas City for a wedding last weekend.  I still managed to get in a very simple lift and a solid run.  I really enjoy staying active while I'm traveling or on vacation.  My body feels best when its done something physical.