My first 10k is complete!
10k (6.2 Miles) in 1:01:12
9:51 pace.
I didn't seriously prepare for this race. I just started running again 2 weeks ago. Literally the day after I ran for the first time, a lady in my office approached me about joining the law firm team for the annual Lawyers Have Heart 10k. At first I hestitated, but then I was like screw it. Sure.
There was a time when I wouldn't have considered participating in something like this unless I was "ready." But, who really cares. Its just running for an hour. Its a fun, healthy activity that you get to do with other people that lead active lifestyles.
I think running is the best form of exercise next to lifting. I've always felt a physically well-rounded human being should be strong in the main barbell lifts, should be able to sprint with proficiency, and should be able to bang out a few mile run without killing themselves. That is fitness in its most basic form. It has nothing to do with gym goals, what is the most "legit form" of training or any of that bullshit. If you consider yourself in shape, you should be able to continuously run 3-5 miles
There were 3362 runners in this race. It felt like a lot of people, but then again I've never really run in a big race before. I was really rushed when I got there. It took me a lot longer to get there than I planned (its 3 miles away, but it takes forever to drive anywhere in DC), and then all of the parking garages were full.
I got to the start line 4 minutes before the gun went off. Did some bullshit stretching, tightened my laces, and then basically just started running.
Within 20 seconds of passing the start line, some girl cut in front of me, clipped my foot, and I fucking went face first into the pavement. I mean I went down hard, lol. I was like fuuuck. So I got up, tied my shoe, and started running. About a minute later I found out my stride sensor had come off in the fall. That sucked because I couldn't pace myself as well, nor could I get detailed distances.
"At least I still have Adele" I thought to myself.
I fired up my new ipod nano that has exactly one album on it: Adele's 21. I fucking love working out to Adele. Heavy squats, long distance running, you name it. Adele carries me the whole way.
Not so fast.
The nano was dead. So, after being at the race for 5 minutes, I'd barely stretched, I'd lost my stride sensor (part of a $120 heartrate monitor system), and my nano was dead. Also, in my rush I accidentally brought all my keys with me in my pocket so those mother fuckers were clacking like nothing else. The negative talk rushed into my head. "Why the fuck am I doing this? Fuck this! I'm gonna walk, screw these people!"
"I don't even like running!"
I realized I was going to be doing this for the next 60 minutes no matter what, so I needed to calm the fuck down and try to enjoy myself. I started taking big long breaths in through my nose. This forced me to even my pace out a little and I calmed down.
The run itself was fine. I hit the halfway point at exactly 30 minutes, so I was on pace to finish under my goal time of 60 minutes. I never felt tired or felt like I couldn't do it. The cool thing about running is that as long as you maintain a moderate heartrate, you can do it much longer than you think. I was around 153 for the first 45 minutes, and 173 for the last 15 when I increased speed. Average for the race is 159. That is decent for me for a 1 hour run.
The last half mile I really turned it up to finish strong. The best part? 50 yards out from the finish line I hear "Stride Sensor Found." The Pacer device of my miCoach had been searching for my lost stride sensor the whole time. When I ran buy it at the finish it picked up the signal lol. I was able to find it on the side of the track after I finished. That made me laugh.
So I finished in 1:01:12. Slightly off my goal time. Looking back, had I not fallen or stopped to piss in the bushes I probably would have made it under 60.
I did hit my goal pace. I wanted to run under a 10 minute mile. I ran 9:51, so I accomplished that. Overall, I'm satisfied with my first 10k. This obviously leaves a ton of room for improvement, which I'm excited about.
Moving Forward
Whats next? More running. I'm 90% sure I am going to start training for a half marathon. Its just something I want to do. I have no aspirational goals of becoming an awesome runner. To do that, I would need to get small and weak. No thanks.
There are two things I need to do to become a better runner and stay/get strong. Improve aerobic capacity, and lose bodyfat. The first is done primarily by running (duh). Running helps the second one, but obviously diet is key. Through the combination of increased aerobics and dieting I want to get well below 10% bodyfat.
I'm still going to strength train, it just isn't my number one priority. Running isn't either. Job is #1. As far as fitness, I won't say running or strength training is going to be number one. I'm going to give them both 50%. I've had schedules where I've run 2-3 times per week for decent distances, and also strength trained 3-4 times per week. Its doable. The nice thing about running is that I suck so much it doesn't take a whole lot to get better.