Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Phase 3 Day 31

1a. Bench (50/20)
250x6; 250x5; 250x4; 250x4; 250x3; 250x3; 250x3; 250x3; 250x3 (34)

1b. Chins (50/20)
4; 4; 4; 4; 4; 3; 3; 3; 3 (32)

2a. Facepulls
60x20; 60x15; 60x15

2b. Cable lift
45x5; 30x8; 30x8

50/20 on bench and chins is money.  You get a ton of work in at moderate intensities.  I'm starting to see the beauty of this approach.  Its not really the weight that matters.  I felt like I could endlessly bang out triples towards the end.  They were hard and challenging, yes.  But they weren't 90% triples.  Anyways, I can really see this doing great things for certain lifts.

Chins are pathetic.  I don't know what it is, my strength just plummets on these.  I dead hang everything and work on a nice chest to bar/retraction, so I guess maybe that type of chin is more difficult.  Overall though, the superset of bench and chins works nicely.  I did this with two other guys. Even though the two movements only took 20 minutes combined, when it was over, we all just  kind of sat there and were like "now what?"  We were all in agreement that the 20 minutes alone was very effective.

An interesting note on warmups:  I woke up with an ultra stiff/impinged right shoulder. All day I was worried I did something bad to it on overheads last night.  So I did some basic warmups, then cycled through about 5 different facepull variations, and BOOM.  I literally felt a big slab of something just shift in my shoulder.  Impingement gone.  I finished the warm-up with some SMR work around the scapula, and everything was fine.  It was cool to know how to address the issue and then fix it so I could immediately start training.


  1. what is this 50/20 business?

  2. Its just my rep scheme right now.

    I explain it more here:

