1. Front Squat (frankenstein)
185x3; 185x3; 185x3; 185x3; 185x2 (+20#)
2. RDL
205x8; 205x8; 205x8 (+10#)
3. Incline
195x5; 195x5; 195x5 (+5#)
135x18(+6 reps)
4a. DB Row
80x8; 80x8 (+5#); 75x8
4b. Vertical Wall Arm Raises... Don't really know, some shit I saw Cressey doing
5; 5; 5
5a. Pushups
17; 17 (+1reps/set)
5b. Curls
60x17; 60x17 (+1reps/set)
6a. Dead bugs
8; 8; 8
6b. Scap Wall Slides
3; 3; 3
The college gym is so fucking crowded right now I can't even describe it. Washu's gym is small as compared to most commercial gyms I've been in, but what makes it really bad is that ALL of the athletic teams share the gym with the general university, as well as the grad students. Let me repeat: about 10,000 students share a small ass gym alongside every athletic program at the university.
Washu's endowment is $5.28 billion, which is the 17th largest in the nation. Its endowment size is flanked by Emory University and Cornell. I don't really have to explain why it is completely fucking ludicrous that a school with that much money has a gym smaller than most 24 hour fitness facilities. But its not just that it is small. It also lacks some very basic shit that every gym worth a salt nowadays has... like a SINGLE fucking foam roller.
Needless to say, my warm-ups suck. Tonight, it was so fucking crowded that I literally went out to the bottom of a concrete stairwell to do my mobility work. I'm not even going to address what its like using a lacrosse ball to roll out your hip flexors on a 4x4 concrete slab. /End Rant
Front squats - starting to groove but I think I've taken narrow stance/knees out too far. I realized tonight I was basially doing a ballerina move. I was really getting up on my toes.
RDL's - Favorite move, probably the only thing I actually do right.
Incline - Felt smooth an easy. I'll build strength fast doing these often.
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