Like clockwork, Tuesday I woke up sick as hell. This was after many weeks of not enough sleep and a long weekend of traveling/drinking. So anyways, my hip was fucked and I was sick as hell all week. Also, I read somewhere that if you get sick and have inflammation unrelated to the sickness, the inflamation will not go down. Apparently the immune system goes into overdrive to fight bacterial/viral infection and ignores other shit. I found that to be true.
Being out of commission at least gave me the chance to do plenty of reading on correcting postural imbalances. I'm happy to report that I still don't know shit about movement or anatomy. But I know a little more than I did before. This is what I did this afternoon:
Foam Rolling/Myofascial Release: Back, quads, IT Bands, Piriformis, Hip Flexor.
3 sets Psoas/Rectus Femorus stretch paired with Glute Bridges
3 sets Piriformis stretch (with band) paired with Side Lying Clam
2 sets lateral xbands
Mobility/Dynamic Movement:
Knee Hugs
Pull-back Butt Kicks
Overhead Reverse Lunge
RDL: 135x8; 185x6; 185x6; 185x6
Band Pull Through: 8; 8
Side-stepped corrective sled dragging
Core Work:
Band Resisted Dead Bugs
70lb KB 1 Sided Farmer Walks: 30/30 yards x 3 trips
No pain leaving the gym. My lower body felt warm - fatigued in new places, but it felt really nice in a strange way.
All of the glute activation exercises got my legs shaky as hell. In fact, by the time I was done with activation I felt like I had a decent leg workout lol. I've done RDL's over 400lbs before, but actually doing them correctly with 185 today was a challenge. Again, lots of lower body shaking once I actually used my glutes. I felt like cable pull-throughs sucked. Bands on the other hand were perfect. The tension is highest when you have to lockout and squeeze the glutes. Definitely keeping these in the rotation.
So this will be my lower body template moving forward. As time goes on, I can imagine I will need to spend less time with activation and more time with strength stuff. But for the time being, I need lots of activation. It seriously took me a while to actually feel my glutes firing on all of these exercises. The basic lower template will be:
Foam Rolling/Myofascial Release
Mobility/Dynamic Movement
Core Work
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