315x1 (50% set cut pulled)
Calves supersetted w/ ab work
4-5 sets each
Conditioning: Low bar Prowler Pushes
135 lbs x 60 yards x 11 runs
235 lbs x 60 yards x 1 run
Worked out with another bro at the gym. It was a lot of fun until I paused my last rep on the 315x10 set, came out of the hole, and my hip was killing me. Fuck. Tried to ignore it and do a 50% set, but no go. Completely frustrating.
A 50% set is you do one big higher rep set, and then wait 60 seconds and try to complete 50% of the reps you achieved from the first set. It would have been nice to actually have tried it. Anyways, my buddy said my bar speed at 315 looked exactly the same as at 135. It felt easy. That is what frustrates me - I can tell my body is strong right now, but I'm unable to fucking squat. I took a barbell to my hip flexor for like 20 minutes after our session. Seemed to help a little but then again I really can't tell if its my hip flexor or my actual hip joint.
Conditioning was intense. We only rested long enough for the other person to go down and back.
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